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CNDH delivers financial compensation and social integration to victims and rightful claimants

On Wednesday 21 December 2022, Mrs. Amina Bouayach, Chairperson of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), met with a group of victims and rightful claimants who have obtained arbitration decisions in their favour after submitting the necessary documents.

The CNDH granted 246 people financial compensation and social integration, which cost 21,886, 272.00 dirhams.

Within this context, CNDH Chairperson said that the financial compensation and social integration benefiting these victims and rightful claimants are not new recommendations; the Follow-up Committee is not mandated to issue new recommendations. It is rather a new step for continuing the implementation of the recommendations of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER).

The granting of financial compensation and social integration is the culmination of a process that extended throughout this year and during which the CNDH proceeded to listening and consultation with those concerned. In May 2022, the CNDH also granted social integration to 98 beneficiaries which cost 3,597,222.00 dirhams.

The CNDH continues to deliver medical coverage cards, bringing the number of beneficiaries to 19,929, for a cost of 216,138,771.00 dirhams issued from the State's general budget.

The CNDH also ensured, during the current year, the coverage of medical expenses that are not included in the coverage of the National Fund of Social Welfare Organizations (CNOPS) for 16 urgent medical interventions, the cost of which amounted to 68,639.88 dirhams.

The Moroccan Pension Fund (CMR) has started distributing supplementary pensions for beneficiaries, according to the agreement signed in May 2021 related to reforming the supplementary pension for 99 victims who were previously integrated into the public service.

The Follow-up Committee continues to communicate with the families of victims so that they provide the necessary documents for delivering arbitral decisions following the IER recommendations.

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Expressions of Human Rights, Ceremony on the occasion of International Human Rights Day

On Monday 19 December 2022, at 6:00 pm at the Mohammed V National Theater in Rabat, Morocco, the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) will celebrate the International Human Rights Day through the "Expressions of Human Rights" Ceremony.

This event will schedule several artistic and literary events as part of the protection of the right to expression and the promotion of its forms, including:

- Artistic creations of persons with disabilities;
- Moroccan talents through drawing and poetry;
- Children's creations about violence against women;
- Artistic events on the Moroccan heritage (Hadra Chefchaounia, Gnawa, Oulad Bouazzaoui, etc.).

This ceremony will be an opportunity to pay tribute to a Moroccan novelist and poet who shed light on human and women's rights issues in her works.

All human rights defenders, citizens, and interested persons are invited to celebrate with us.

Welcome to the ceremony that triumph for human rights and expressions.

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A Pre-Forum in Morocco to prepare the 3rd world Forum on Human Rights in Argentina

The National Human Rights Council of Morocco (CNDH) and the International Center for the Promotion of Human Rights (CIPDH-UNESCO), will co-organize on 17-18 February 2023 in Rabat, an international pre-Forum which comes as a prelude to the third edition of the world Forum on Human Rights, expected to be held in March 2023 in Argentina.

Bringing together officials, experts, University professors and representatives from national and international human rights organizations, this pre-Forum will examine the themes of transitional justice, memory, migration and climate change. the recommendations of the pre-forum will be presented during the III World Forum on Human Rights which will take place in Argentina in March 2023.

The CNDH will invite non-governmental organizations, stakeholders and researchers at the national level to discuss human rights challenges related to transitional justice, memory preservation, migration and climate change.

To be noted that the pre-Forum is organized in a partnership between the CIPDH-UNESCO, which leads the organization of the III World Forum on Human Rights and oversees its Executive Secretariat, and the CNDH, the outgoing president of the organization of the World Forum.

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CNDH and UNFPA -Morocco share the conclusions of the study on judicial justifications for girls marriage

On the occasion of the 16 days campaign against gender-based violence, the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) and the United Nations Population Fund in Morocco (UNFPA) are organizing a meeting to present the conclusions of the study on judicial justifications for girls marriage, on Monday 12 December 2022, at 9:00 am at the CNDH’s headquarters in Rabat, Morocco.

This meeting is part of the CNDH action program aiming to eliminate child marriage. It is also part of the existing partnership between the two parties seeking to promote the right of women and girls, including advocating for the abolition of child marriage. 

This meeting will be an opportunity to deepen the debate on the phenomenon of child marriage and its repercussions. It also aims to identify possible mechanisms to reduce this practice that affects children’s rights.

Mrs. Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson and Mr. Luis Mora, UNFPA Resident Representative in Morocco will take part in this meeting.

Representatives of government departments, the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power (CSPJ), the Public Prosecution Office, civil society actors, etc. will participate in this event.

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Seminar on National Legislative Framework and Ethical/Human Rights Issues related to Health and Biomedical Research

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) is organizing a Seminar on the National Legislative Framework and Ethical/Human Rights Issues related to Health and Biomedical Research, on Saturday 3 December 2022, at its headquarters in Rabat, Morocco.

This Seminar is part of the CNDH actions and initiatives related to the effectiveness of the right to health.

Institutional actors, health professionals, Ethics Committees members, professors and researchers, several actors working on bio-ethical issues, civil society, etc., will participate in this event.

They will discuss the achievements and obstacles related to this issue and analyze the extent to which various legislations in force are covering the principles of bioethics in the biomedicine field.

This Seminar aims to identify the legislative and institutional levers ensuring the implementation of bio-ethics in medical practice, biomedical research and training’ content intended for health professionals.

Besides the plenary sessions, the program of this national Seminar includes four thematic workshops addressing areas related to bioethical issues: biomedical research, organ donation and transplantation, medically assisted reproduction and the protection of persons with mental illnesses.

Mrs. Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson, will chair the proceedings of this Seminar which will start at 9:30 am at the CNDH headquarters in Rabat, Morocco.

Download the Communication in Amazigh language 

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Marrakech-Safi Region: Interactive Workshop on Monitoring Mechanisms in the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

In commemoration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, celebrated on 3 December of each year, the Regional Human Rights Commission in the Marrakech-Safi Region (CRDH) is organizing an interactive workshop on Monitoring Mechanisms in the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), on Saturday 3 December 2022 at the CRDH headquarters in Marrakech, Morocco.

This interactive workshop aims to raising-awareness of NGOs staff on the rights of persons with disabilities as stipulated in the CRPD, mainly the aspect related to the common guidelines and strategies between government departments.

It will also be an opportunity to broaden their knowledge of the independent monitoring mechanisms and the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) role as a host of the National Mechanism for the Protection of Persons with Disabilities.

Participants at this workshop will share information and experiences on how relevant NGOs and persons with disabilities contribute to comprehensive, thematic or territorial parallel reports. They will discuss the protection of all their rights following the Convention and contribute to facilitating remedies access and monitoring violations, mainly through data collection.

This workshop also intends to promote a good understanding of the International Convention, the Optional Protocol and the importance of monitoring. Thus, this event will further enhance the promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities, enable them to monitor the Convention at the regional level, promote the culture of complaints in line with the Optional Protocol requirements, identify and share regional initiatives, reinforce coordination with the CRDH, and strengthen capacities in this field regionally.
CRDH Contact: +212 524 42 05 87

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CNDH organizes a deliberative workshop on laws proposals aiming to reform and complete: Law Framework No. 97-13 and Law on Accessibility

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) organizes a deliberative workshop on the laws proposals aiming to reform and complete Law Framework No. 97-13 related to protecting and promoting the rights of persons with disabilities and Law No. 10-03 related to accessibility, on Wednesday 30 November 2022, at 10 am at the CNDH headquarters in Rabat, Morocco.

This workshop is part of the CNDH keeping pace with the legislative actions of Parliament, particularly following up on drafts and proposals of laws related to human rights. It is also organized within the framework of interacting with the parliamentary groups’ proposals on relevant laws.

Stakeholders will discuss the provisions of the two legal proposals to contribute to the legal and human rights debate on equality and non-discrimination as a structuring principle in the International Convention for the Protection of Persons with Disabilities, in order to enhance legal protection and guarantees of the effectiveness of the rights of persons with disabilities.

Several government actors, representatives of parliamentary groups, civil society working in this field, and representatives of governance bodies will take part in this event.

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CNDH launches a National Debate on the Protection of Children living in Difficult Conditions in Morocco

On the occasion of the World Children's Day, which is celebrated on November 20th of each year, the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), in partnership with the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication, is organizing an interactive meeting on "Children's Rights in Difficult Conditions in Morocco", on Friday 25 November 2022, at the Hassan Educational Complex in Casablanca, Morocco.

This meeting is part of the implementation of the CNDH action strategy based on the effectiveness of human rights. It aims to launch a national debate on the protection of children living in difficult conditions in Morocco and engage national advocacy to adapt the legal requirements to child rights international standards, including the law on child protection centers.

The movie "Ali Zawa" directed by Nabil Ayouch, will be projected and discussed at this meeting.

Institutional and associative stakeholders will discuss the legal situation of children placed in protection centers in Morocco and highlight the role of cinema in awareness-raising in Morocco.

Participants will also address problems related to children exposed to danger, violation, violence and sexual exploitation, by encouraging their involvement in decisions and allowing them to express their views on the draft law related to child protection centers.

Mrs. Amina Bouayach will visit an association working with children living in difficult conditions and hold an interactive meeting with children, in Casablanca, Morocco.

Download the Press release in Amazigh language

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Laayoune-Sakia El Hamra Region: Forum on the Right to the City- An Inclusive and Sustainable City

The Regional Human Rights Commission of the Laayoune-Sakia El Hamra Region (CRDH) is organizing a Regional Forum on “The Right to the City: An Inclusive and Sustainable City", in partnership with the Wilaya of the Laayoune-Sakia El Hamra Region, the Council of the Laayoune-Sakia El Hamra Region and the Commune of El Marsa (A city in Morocco), on the 25th, 28th and 29th November 2022, in Laayoune, Morocco.

This regional forum is part of the continuation of the public debate launched by the CRDH last year on the occasion of World Cities Day.

It aims to conduct a participatory assessment of the effectiveness of human rights in urban policies and programs. It also intends to consolidate the achievements related to this question and open a public debate on challenges with all stakeholders in the region.

This event also aims to contribute to achieving Goal 11 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which stipulates to "make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable".
Mrs. Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson, will participate in this Regional Forum.

This event will schedule several activities:
- A workshop on human rights and participatory democracy mechanisms on 25 November 2022, in the El Marsa Commune;
- A scientific session and workshops on: the inclusive city, the rights of groups and the effectiveness of access to economic and social rights, the sustainable city, the right to a healthy environment, The African City and Human Rights, on 28 November 2022, at Al Massira Hotel in Laayoune;
- A scientific session on "The Right to the City, Reference and Ways of Implementation" on 29 November 2022, at the Palais des Congrès in Laayoune.

Contact: +212 528 89 39 81

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Meeting in Al Hoceima to present the CNDH Report on the Effectiveness of the Right to Health

The Regional Human Rights Commission of the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Region (CRDH) is organizing a meeting on the Thematic Report of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) on “The Effectiveness of the Right to Health, Challenges and Ways to its Strengthening”, on Friday 25 November 2022, at 3.00 pm in Al Hoceima, Morocco.

This meeting is part of the implementation of the CNDH mandate in line with Law No. 76-15 and its strategy based on the effectiveness of human rights. It is also organized considering that the right to health is one of the fundamental rights stipulated in the Constitution and human rights international covenants, mainly the Universal Declaration for Human Rights (UDHR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), besides the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

This meeting aims to launch a public debate on the report’s contents and the implementation of its recommendations published in February 2022 to face the imbalances and deficiencies and conduct reforms to address the situation. It also intends to contribute to ensuring the effectiveness of the right to health for all, including vulnerable groups.

Representatives of the Ministry of Health, Directors of regional hospitals, public and private Doctors, professionals and associations working on health, legal experts, specialists and the media will participate in this public debate.

This thematic report is developed based on the outputs of meetings and consultations organized by the CNDH and its CRDHs, both nationally and regionally, to address the situation of the effectiveness of access to the right to health in Morocco.

