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Seminar on “The Right to Health: Strengthening Governance and Territorial Justice in the Oriental Region”

The Regional Human Rights Commission of the Oriental Region (CRDH) is organizing a Seminar on the report of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) on the right to health on Wednesday 16 November 2022, at 2.30 pm in Oujda, Morocco.

The proceedings of this seminar will focus on “The Right to Health: Strengthening Governance and Territorial Justice in the Oriental Region”. It aims to identify ways and methods for the effective implementation of the CNDH report’s recommendations. It also intends to implement the outcomes of the expanded consultative meeting organized by the CRDH last year.

The CNDH and its Regional Commissions pay particular attention to enriching the pluralistic public debate on human rights issues and following up on and evaluating public policies and regional programs in terms of promoting access to fundamental rights and their effectiveness, including the right to health.

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In partnership with the CNDH, UNFPA organizes a meeting on its report: State of world population 2022

In partnership with the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), The Office of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Rabat, Morocco, will organize a meeting to present the UNFPA report on the state of the world population 2022 on Thursday 10 November 2022, at 2:00 p.m., at The View Hotel, Avenue Annakhil – Rabat, Morocco.

This meeting will be an opportunity to exchange views on unintended pregnancies and discuss possible avenues for joint action.

Entitled "Seeing the Unseen: The case for action in neglected crisis of unintended pregnancy", UNFPA's report focuses on the crisis that affects nearly half of all pregnancies worldwide, or a total of 121 million women each year.

This report warns of the serious consequences of this crisis on societies, women and girls, and health. Over 60% of unintended pregnancies end in abortion, and it is estimated that 45% of abortions are unsafe.  Unsafe abortions represent around 5 to 13% of maternal deaths. Therefore, this situation compromises seriously the ability to achieve global Sustainable Development Goals.

Globally, an estimated 257 million women who want to avoid pregnancy are not using safe, modern contraceptive methods. The report calls on decision-makers and health system managers to prioritize the prevention of unintended pregnancy by improving accessibility, acceptability, quality and variety of contraceptives and greatly expanding quality sexual and reproductive health care and information.

The State of World Population report is UNFPA’s annual flagship publication. Published yearly since 1978, it shines a light on emerging issues in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights, bringing them into the mainstream and exploring the challenges and opportunities they present for international development.

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Draa-Tafilalet Region: Workshop on Risk Management in Schools and the Effectiveness of Human Rights

The Regional Human Rights Commission of the Draa-Tafilalet Region (CRDH) is organizing a workshop on "Risk Management in Schools and its Relationship to the Effectiveness of Human Rights", on Thursday 3 November 2022, in Errachidia, Morocco.

This workshop is organized in coordination with the Regional Academy of Education and Training in the Draa-Tafilalet Region and the Regional Office of the Moroccan Red Crescent.

It is part of the implementation of the CRDH action program 2022. It aims to contribute to preserve the right to life and physical protection in schools.

At this event, stakeholders will focus on workshops for preparing prevention, protection and risk management plan in schools, which will be facilitated by the Moroccan Red Crescent in the Region.


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Draa-Tafilalet Region: Conference on Youth and Ways to Implement the New Development Model Foundations

The Regional Human Rights Commission of the Draa-Tafilalet Region (CRDH) is organizing a conference on “Youth in the Draa-Tafilalet Region and Ways to Implement the New Development Model Foundations", on Tuesday 1 November 2022, at 9:30 am in Midelt, Morocco.

This conference will be organized in coordination with the Regional Directorate of the Youth in the Draa-Tafilalet Region.

It is part of the implementation of the CRDH action program for the year 2022. It aims to shed light on the New Development Model’s strategic orientations and their relationship with the economic, social and cultural rights of young people at the regional level.

Participants will study this issue through several points, mainly: "Youth and the empowerment issue, entrances for the effectiveness of the rights of young people in the Draa-Tafilalet Region"; "The reality of the implementation of the national integrated youth strategy 2015-2030 in the region"; The economic integration of young people in the region through the National Initiative for Human Development”; “The place of youth in the New Development Model”, etc.

Representatives of governmental and non-governmental sectors, civil society, students and media representatives will take part in this conference.

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Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Region: Meeting on Gender-Based Violence in Universities

The Regional Human Rights Commission of the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Region (CRDH), in partnership with the Université Abdelmalek Essaadi and the Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines in Tetouan, will organize a meeting on “Gender-based violence in universities and administrative and judicial remedies”, on Monday 31 October 2022, at the Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines in Tetouan, Morocco.

This meeting is part of the implementation of the CRDH annual action plan in its section related to the promotion of women’s rights, combating discrimination and achieving equality. It is organized in implementation of Article 19 of the Constitution and in line with the Marrakesh Declaration 2020 objectives and the requirements of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women ratified by Morocco in 1993.

This meeting aims to involve regional actors in the public debate on gender-based violence in universities. It also intends to understand its causes, think about this issue from different perspectives, and shed light on causes contributing to its spreading and its persistence that violate the right to education.

Stakeholders will discuss ways to address gender-based violence in universities and encourage adopting best practices to prevent this violation. They will also share insights on the implementation of proactive monitoring mechanisms and facilitating administrative and judicial remedies, with the view of eliminating violence, improving universities and strengthening their fundamental roles in training, scientific research and contributing to development.

Professors, researchers, administrators, and legal experts, including judges, lawyers, and institutional actors, as well as civil society organizations working in combating violence against women, the media, students and those interested in this issue, will participate in this event.

This meeting is part of the National Human Rights Council’s regional meetings on gender-based violence. It is organized within the context of following up the implementation of the objectives of its national campaign Manskotch Ala El Onf (Speak out against gender-based violence), which was launched in November 2021 to counter violence against women and girls, encourage reporting and combat impunity.

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CNDH Regional Commission of the Marrakech-Safi Region holds its Sixth Regular Meeting

The Regional Human Rights Commission of the Marrakech-Safi Region (CRDH) will hold its Sixth Regular Meeting in line with the provisions of Law 76-15 relating to the reorganization of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) and in accordance with Article 36 of its Rules of Procedure, on Saturday 22 October 2022, at 10 am, at the Kenzi Rose Garden Hotel in Marrakech, Morocco.

This meeting agenda includes a presentation of the outcome of the Regional Standing Committees’ actions conducted between the two regular meetings, the preliminary draft of the CRDH action program 2023, and the approval of the draft thematic reports proposed by the CRDH members.

On the sidelines of this meeting, the CRDH will sign a partnership agreement with the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences in Marrakech. It aims at organizing joint actions to introduce international human rights standards and relevant national and international mechanisms. It also intends to promote human rights culture and share expertise, information, documents, publications, etc.

The CNDH Regional Commission in the Marrakech-Safi Region was installed on 22 October 2020.  It consists of the Standing Committee on Protecting Human Rights, the Standing Committee on Promoting Human Rights, and the Standing Committee on Evaluating and Monitoring the Effectiveness of Human Rights in Regional Public Policies and Programmes.

Contact: 00212 5 87 42 24 05

Download the Communication in the Amazigh language

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Marrakech-Safi Region: Meeting on Outcomes and Recommendations of the CNDH Report on the Effectiveness of the Right to Health

The Regional Human Rights Commission of the Marrakech-Safi Region (CRDH) will organize a regional meeting on the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) report on "The Effectiveness of the Right to Health: Challenges and Ways to its Straightening”, on Friday 21 October 2022, at 10 am, at the Kenzi Rose Garden Hotel in Marrakech, Morocco.

This regional meeting aims to share the outcomes and recommendations of the CNDH report on the right to health with all relevant actors working on health. It also intends to contribute to facing structural imbalances and take the historical opportunities provided by the pandemic to bring about qualitative transformations in the health system.

A group of relevant actors in the region, particularly the Regional Director of the Ministry of Health and Regional Delegates, Regional Director and Directors of prisons, Doctors, Professors researchers in mental health specialized in public health policy, and civil society, will take part in this meeting.

This thematic report is part of the implementation of the CNDH strategy based on the effectiveness of human rights. Thus, it seeks to present a perception of the obstacles to citizens’ access to their rights related to health. It proposes approaches to address them not only based on legal texts, but also by reviewing the challenges associated with the implicit determinants of the right to health, particularly the economic, social, cultural and environmental ones.

Contact: 00212 5 87 42 24 05

Download the Communication in the Amazigh language 


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9th Session of the CNDH General Assembly: Approval of the 2023 Action Plan, key elements of the Annual Report, and Thematic Report /Memorandum Drafts

The General Assembly (GA) of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), Chaired by Mrs. Amina Bouayach, held its Ninth Regular Session, in person and remotely, on 14, 15 and 16 October 2022, in Azrou (a city in Morocco), in accordance with the requirements of Law No. 76-15 related to the CNDH reorganization and its Rules of Procedure.

At the opening session, Mrs. Bouayach highlighted the CNDH’s dynamism aiming to raise the current challenges related to the protection and promotion of human rights in Morocco. She also underlined the CNDH achievements realized between the two sessions through its missions related to protecting human rights violations victims.

Mrs. Bouayach stressed that the CNDH, including its members and staff, is fully aware of its roles, challenges, expectations, and the necessity of immediate and effective interaction with the current issues and possibilities. She outlined that the CNDH takes into account issues related to the water stress emergency, the rights of Moroccans of the world, the effective protection and promotion of women’s rights, as well as opportunities and challenges of protecting human rights and freedoms in the digital space and the implications of artificial intelligence systems on the effectiveness of these rights.

Mrs. Bouayach said that, through this GA, the CNDH developed proposals and recommendations to face challenges related to the current issues from the perspective of a National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) and its roles.

Following discussion at this session, the GA unanimously approved:

-          The CNDH 2023 action plan draft, in line with its strategy based on the effectiveness of rights and freedoms;

-          The key elements of the 2022 annual report draft, in accordance with Article 35 of the law relating to the CNDH reorganization in implementation of the principle of regularity and periodicity for its publication following legal requirements and the Paris Principles governing NHRIs;

-          The thematic report draft on human rights in the digital world and artificial intelligence systems in implementation of the CNDH’s strategic action plan;

-          The memorandum draft on the state of a water emergency, to be submitted to the Head of Governement;

-          The completion of the draft report on encouraging reporting in cases of violence against women and girls, within the framework of evaluating the results of the CNDH campaign for one year ;

The CNDH seized the opportunity of the ninth session to address the amendment of the Family Code and the rights of Moroccans of the world, based on a platform that summarizes the issues raised from the human rights point of view in terms of presenting relevant recommendations and suggestions.

Highlights between the two sessions (18 June 2022 to 13 October 2022)

-          Signing a partnership and cooperation agreement between the CNDH and the General Directorate of National Security (DGSN) to promote human rights culture in the police functions;

-          Commissioning a fact-finding mission on the unprecedented events of the “Barrio Chino” crossing area (Nador-Melilia), sharing its preliminary findings in a press conference, and following up on the relevant trial phases by the CNDH Regional Commission of the Oriental Region;

-          Keeping pace with the implementation of the social protection project to allow foreigners in Morocco to benefit from the guarantees provided by the four levels of protection as defined by the framework law on social protection;

-          Engaging in collective thinking on water stress issues to search for possible solutions to ensure the right to water for all immediately and strategically;

-          On the legislative level, submitting three advisory opinions on civil and criminal procedures and the draft alternative penalties upon request of the Ministry of Justice;

-          Presenting the CNDH parallel report on the implementation of the Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance;

-          CNDH continues its interaction with international mechanisms, including the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, which referred to the CNDH’s actions related to the protection of human rights and others in its recent report on the Sahara submitted by the UN Secretary-General to the members of the Security Council;

-          Contributing to the Universal Periodic Review national report;

-          Contributing to the second national report on migrant workers (The CNDH had submitted a parallel report to the relevant United Nations Committee, etc.)

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Draa-Tafilalet Region: Study Day on the Region's Major Environmental Concerns

The Regional Human Rights Commission of the Draa-Tafilalet Region (CRDH) is organizing a study day on the "Major Environmental Concerns in the Draa-Tafilalet Region", on Tuesday 11 October 2022, at 2:30 pm at the Faculty of Science and Technology in Errachidia, Morocco.

This study day is part of the implementation of the 2022 CRDH action program and the partnership agreement between the CRDH, Moulay Ismail University in Meknes and the Regional Directorate for the Environment.

This partnership agreement aims to involve stakeholders from governmental and non-governmental sectors, civil actors, professors and university students in a public debate on the environmental situation in the region. It also intends to raise awareness on the importance of protecting the environment and promoting the leading role of residents and civil society actions in managing environmental affairs in the region.

Participants will mainly address the effectiveness of the right and its relations to the transformations of the oasis systems, the environmental situation, the integrated water governance, Oasis fires, and environmental pollution and the effectiveness of the right to health.

This study day will also include two workshops on the "Environmental Protection: Reality, Challenges and Solutions" and the "Civil Society and Environmental Affairs in the Draa-Tafilalet Region: What is the Contribution?".

Representatives from the governmental and non-governmental sectors, professors and university students, civil society activists, human rights defenders, and media representatives will participate in this event.

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Press Conference on the occasion of the World Day Against the Death Penalty

The World Day Against the Death Penalty is celebrated each year on 10th October. This 20th world Day will focus on the “Death Penalty: A Road Paved with torture”.

Within this context, a press conference will be organized on Wednesday 12 October 2022, at 10 am, at the headquarters of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) in Rabat, Morocco.

At this occasion, the Moroccan Coalition Against the Death Penalty, the CNDH, the Moroccan Observatory of Prisons, and Together Against the Death Penalty in conjunction with the Parliamentarians Network, Lawyers Network, Journalists Network and Teachers Network will reiterate the advocacy for the abolition of the death penalty and invite the government to vote in favour of the United Nations Resolution calling for a moratorium on the use of the death penalty in December 2022.

The abolition of the death penalty became an issue carrying a considerable symbolic meaning. It became an issue of great importance in the international human rights system. It is moving forward promptly. However, Morocco would benefit from being committed to the abolition, as proven in the observation of a de facto moratorium on the use of the death penalty for almost 30 years.

Indeed, the abolition of the death penalty is a universal trend. In total, more than two-thirds of States (144 States) abolished the death penalty in law or practice. The Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, has now been ratified by 90 States. Within the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), 33 out of 57 States abolished or observed a de facto moratorium on the use of the death penalty.

This World Day is an opportunity to raise awareness among public opinion and political leaders about the cruelty of this iniquitous punishment and its ineffectiveness in combating crime. It is also an occasion to promote the principle of justice without the death penalty, particularly among the young generations.

