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Briefing on the establishment of the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) is organizing a Briefing on the establishment of the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture (NPM) on 12 April 2019 at its headquarters in Rabat, Morocco.

This Briefing will bring together relevant stakeholders at national and international level (experts, institutions, civil society, etc.). It will also present an opportunity to shed light on the progress made in establishing the NPM, to identify best practices related to this subject and further to share them.

Morocco ratified the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (UNCAT) on 21 June 1993 and its Optional Protocol (OPCAT) on 24 November 2014. The OPCAT aims at strengthening the protection of persons deprived of their liberty from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in places of detention. Each State Party of the OPACAT shall set up, designate or maintain at the domestic level one or several visiting bodies for the prevention of torture.

Law 76-15 on the reorganization of the CNDH mandated the Council to establish the NPM. A chapter (from Article 13 to Article 17) of this law is devoted to the mandate of the NPM. It examines the conditions and treatment of persons deprived of their liberty through regular visits in places of detention. The NPM members should also have free access to these places and make relevant recommendations and proposals regarding laws and practice.

It should be noted that the CNDH has strengthened the capacities of its staff, civil society and law enforcement officers through seminars and workshops on this question at the CNDH’s National Human Rights Training Institute- Driss Benzekri (INFDH-DB). These efforts were made to prepare the ground for an effective operationalization of the NPM.

Ms. Amina Bouayach, CNDH President, Mr. Ahmed Chaouki Benyoub, the Interministerial Delegate for Human Rights, Mr. Mohamed Abdennabaoui , President of the Public Ministry and Ms. Catherine Paulet, member of the United Nations Subcommittee on the Prevention of Torture (SPT) will take part in the opening session of this event.

Download the concept note and the program (available only in French)


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CNDH organizes a National Meeting on “Marriage of Minor Girls: Abolish the Exception… Restore the Norm”

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) and the Council of Europe are organizing a National Meeting on “Marriage of Minor Girls: Abolish the Exception… Restore the Norm”. This event will start at 8:30 am on Friday 22 March 2019 at Hotel Farah, Rabat, Morocco.

This event is part of the Program "Ensuring Sustainable Democratic Governance and Human Rights in the Southern Mediterranean" (Program South III, 2018-2020), funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Also organized as part of the commemoration of the International Women’s Day, this event is bringing together experts, civil and institutional actors to render the outcome of the national campaign on child marriage which was launched on 6 March 2019. This national campaign included 30 activities which were organized by the CNDH through its 13 regional commissions.

The National Meeting is part of active dynamics aiming at developing a memorandum on combating the marriage of minor girls. It also aims at mobilizing stakeholders to fight this phenomenon.

The proceedings of this meeting will be an opportunity to share local, national and international experiences.

It will schedule three panels focusing on the following themes: “Marriage of Minor Girls: institutional initiatives”, “Marriage of Minor Girls: Good practices at the international level” and “Marriage of Minor Girls: Local dynamics”.In addition, this event will culminate in a final session devoted to the presentation of conclusions and recommendations.

Hence, participants will focus on several topics including the analysis of the marriage of minor girls’ phenomenon and its socio-demographic, and on the legal and social dimensions. They will also address factors contributing to surging up underage marriages, consequences of this phenomenon and its impacts on fundamental rights and freedoms of women and children and their physical and mental integrity.

Further on, stakeholders will analyze the international context related to the marriage of minor girls and sharing best practices in this field. Besides, they will identify mechanisms to counter the marriage of minor girls and define tendency related to preventing, protecting and promoting the right of this category.

The opening session of the national meeting will be chaired by Mrs. Najat M’jid, Member of UN Civil Society Advisory Board on Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.

Mrs. Amina Bouaaych, CNDH President, Mr. Mohamed Aujjar, Minister of Justice, Mr. Ahmed Chaouqui Benyoub, Interministerial Delegate for Human Rights, Mr. Philippe Holzapfel, Head of Political Section at the EU Delegation in Morocco and Mr. José Luis Herrero Ansola, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Morocco will take part in the opening session.

This event will lead to conclusions and recommendations reflecting the potential perspectives of actions in this field by various concerned actors. 

It should be noted that in accordance with international conventions ratified by Morocco, mainly those relating to the rights of the child, the legislator set 18 years old as the legal age of marriage. Yet, the Family Code provides for “derogations” in exceptional cases. In fact, Article 20 of the Family Code states that le juge de la famille chargé du marriage (the Judge who delivers marriage authorizations) may authorize the marriage of a girl or a boy under the legal age of marriage in a substantiated decision explaining the interest and reasons that justify this marriage. The judge should previously have heard the parents of the minor or his/ her legal representative. Likewise, the judge should have proceeded to medical expertise or had conducted a social survey. However, statistics and practice show that this exception from the norm has become the norm. The number of child marriage is growing. 48,291 marriages were registered in 2014 with 95% of the marriage of minor girls which means 45,786 child brides. As consequences, violations of their economic and social rights are rising as well.

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International Women’s Day: CNDH is launching a national campaign "Marriage of Minor Girls: Abolish the exception… Restore the norm"

In commemoration of the International Women’s Day, the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) is launching a national campaign “Marriage of Minor Girls: Abolish the Exception… Restore the norm”. 

This campaign is in line with the recommendations of the National Plan of Action on Democracy and Human Rights that advocate continuing the societal dialogue on reviewing Article 20 of the Family Code relating the authorisation of underage marriage. 

In accordance with international conventions ratified by Morocco, mainly those relating to the rights of the child, the legislator set 18 years old as the legal age of marriage. Yet, the Family Code provides for “derogations” in exceptional cases.

In fact, Article 20 of the Family Code states that le juge de la famille chargé du marriage (the Judge who delivers marriage authorizations) may authorize the marriage of a girl or a boy under the legal age of marriage in a substantiated decision explaining the interest and reasons that justify this marriage. The judge should previously have heard the parents of the minor or his/ her legal representative. Likewise, the judge should have proceeded to medical expertise or had conducted a social survey.

However, statistics and practice show that this exception from the norm has become the norm. The number of child marriage is growing and so does violations of their economic and social rights relating to this phenomenon.

The national campaign comes as part of the CNDH contribution to fight against child marriage. It is a series of events on issues relating the marriage of minor girls. It is organized, at first stage, at regional level. Therefore, the CNDH’s Regional Commissions (CRDHs) are planning, from 6 to 16 March 2019, around 30 events.

These events are aiming to raise awareness on marriage of minor girls, to contribute to public debate and advocate against this calamity. Relevant stakeholders, including judges, lawyers, journalists, professors and civil society are actively participating at this campaign. And key moments of this campaign will be several testimonies of victims of child marriage in Morocco that will be presented.

Different aspects of the marriage of minor girls will be addressed at the CRDHs’ events, mainly; “Marriage of Minor Girls in international conventions and Moroccan law”, “The role of media in raising awareness of women’s rights and fighting against the marriage of minor girls”, “Marriage of Minor Girls in texts and its implementation”, etc.

Furthermore, several meetings with minors, parents, officials, women in prison, etc. to raise awareness on this problem. In addition to that, CRDHs will also screen documentary films and contribute in radio programs on this subject to enhance awareness.

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Geneva: CNDH takes part in the 32nd Annual Meeting of the GANHRI

The National Human Rights Council is taking part in the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) which will be held from 4 to 6 March at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. A delegation of the CNDH led by its Chairperson Ms. Amina Bouayach will participate in the proceedings of this meeting.

The Annual Meeting of the GANHRI will schedule three key moments: GANHRI Bureau meeting and meetings of regional groups of national human rights institutions (NHRIs), Knowledge Exchange between NHRIs, and the Annual Conference.

This year, the GANHRI will hold its annual conference on 6 March 2019 on “Ensuring human rights-based and gender-responsive Implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration: The role of National Human rights Institutions”.

Throughout the development of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) in Marrakech, the GANHRI set up a small working group on the GCM to coordinate the participation and contribution of NHRIs, individually and collectively, through their regional networks and the GANHRI. This conference will therefore be an opportunity for NHRIs to define strategies and specific actions to contribute to the implementation, monitoring and review of the GCM in line with gender-responsive and human rights based approach.

As part of the “Knowledge Exchange” initiative, to be held on 5 March 2019, GANHRI members will also share experiences and practices of NHRIs and expand their knowledge on treating “women’s and girl’s human rights by applying NHRIs mandate and functions under the Paris Principles”. In this regard, the CNDH Chairperson will participate in the panel on promoting strategies where she will shed light on opportunities and challenges of women’s rights in Morocco.

In another context, the CNDH will also take part in the General Assembly of the Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI) on 4 March 2019. In the name of the CNDH, Ms. Bouayach will also participate in the meeting on “Fair peace in the Middle East region” which will be organized by the Arab Network of NHRIs on 5 March 2019.

Moreover, Ms. Bouayach will chair the meeting of the Working Group on Migration of the NANHRI which will be held on 5 March 2019 at the Palais des Nations. Previously, a day before the international conference on the adoption of the GCM, Ms. Bouayach was elected head of this working group on 9 December 2018 in Marrakech.

During her stay in Geneva, Ms. Bouayach will hold meetings with several personalities including Ms. Michelle Bachelet, High Commissioner for Human rights.

Furthermore, the CNDH will participate in the debate on “The empowerment of children with disabilities” as part of the 40th session of the Human Rights Council held from 25 February to 22 March 2019 in Geneva.

The GANHRI (former International Coordinating Committee of NHRIs (ICC)) is the association of NHRIs that brings together almost 120 NHRIs around the world. Created in 1993, the GANHRI supports and strengthens capacities of NHRIs and accredits them in accordance with Paris Principles.

Since 2002, the Council has received an “A” status by the ICC as an institution in compliance with Paris Principles governing NHRIs. The CNDH also chaired the ICC in 2003 and 2004 and was reaccredited an “A” status in 2007, in 2011 and 2016.

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Significant contribution of the CNDH to SIEL: Fifty events and more than 100 national and international stakeholders to promote the rights of migrants

For the eighth time in a row, the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) participated in the 25th edition of the International Publishing and Book Fair (SIEL) which ended on Sunday 17 February 2019.

Under the theme “Mobility: Rights without Borders”, The CNDH contributed to promoting the rights of migrants through events organized as part of this year’s edition. This year’s participation made it possible to take stock of the national migration and asylum policy. The contribution of the CNDH was also an opportunity to debate the access of migrants to social and economic rights and to share civic experiences launched for the promotion and protection of human rights in Morocco.

Ever since Friday 8 February 2019, CNDH’s Pavilion implanted in an open and inclusive space of 360 m2, a divers program of activities bringing together academics, civil society, private sector and institutional actors, etc. 
The CNDH’s space was accessible to persons with disabilities thanks to its design and sign language service.

Around 50 events and more than 100 national and international stakeholders interacted with the public on issues of mobility and the rights of migrants from different perspectives: access to education, the rights to health, migration and media, the new migration policy, the legislative reforms relating to migration, the hiring of migrants…

The Pavilion hosted presentations on successful integration experiences as well as citizen initiatives by non-governmental organizations and public and private actors to promote the rights of migrants.

Children were the specifically targeted this year. Not only did they interact with public figures, including the president of the CNDH, on the issue of migration, but they were also given child-friendly courses on the rights of children. Coming from all over Morocco, they also took part in entertainment, artistic and cultural events related to this year’s CNDH theme.

The CNDH presented its recent publications on migration and paid tribute to a number of stakeholders and personalities in recognition of their valuable contributions in the field of migration and the protection of the rights of migrants.

At the end of this edition of SIEL, the CNDH pavilion hosted around 30,000 visitors and thousands of people followed the live streaming on social media.

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International Publishing and Book Fair: CNDH dedicates its pavilion to migration issues

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) is taking part in the 25th edition of the International Publishing and Book Fair, known under its French acronym SIEL, to be held from 7 to 17 February 2019 in Casablanca. This year, the CNDH’s exhibition will shed light on migration issues.

Under the theme of “Mobility: Rights Without Borders”, the CNDH’s participation aims to promote and advocate for the effective implementation of migrants’ rights. The history of humanity requires us to find the appropriate answers to the eternal question of migration in our era, underlined Mrs. Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson.

Thus, the CNDH’s pavilion will provide an opportunity to take stock of the national migration and asylum policy and its regional and international scope. This event will also be an opportunity to debate the access of migrants to social and economic rights, to share their citizen experiences initiated for protecting and promoting the rights of foreigners in Morocco.

For ten days, writers, researchers, members of civil society, political and institutional actors as well as visitors will be given the floor to discuss the issue of migration and the situation of foreigners in Morocco and to review the achievement and challenges in this area.

This event will also be an opportunity to raise children’s and young people’s awareness on foreigners rights, to introduce scientific and literary works on migration to readers as well as to pay tribute to several civil society actors working on issues related to migration and the protection of the rights of migrants.

Four mornings will be dedicated to children. Public personalities will share their insights on migration issues with children during these moments.

Mrs. Bouayach, Mr. Ahmed Chaouki Benyoub, Interministerial Delegate for Human Rights and Mr. Lahbib Nadir, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in charge of Moroccan Living Abroad and Migration Affairs will participate in these meetings devoted to children.

Within this context, more than 120 children, from Al Hociema, Marrakech, Dakhla, Laayoune, Errachidia, Beni Mellal and Tangier will be hosted at the CNDH’s Pavilion.

Covering an area of 360 m², the CNDH Pavilion will present its publications and schedule four main sections: “Debate”, “Citizen Initiatives”, “Tribute” and “Book launch“.

The CNDH published the recommendations of its report on migration and asylum in September 2013. This report called for the development and implementation of a public policy protecting rights based on international cooperation and integration of civil society. The Government, which has interacted positively with the Council’s recommendations, has put in place a new migration policy, in accordance with the Royal Guidelines. This policy respects the global and humanistic approach and is based on the international law and multilateral cooperation.

The first stages of this policy were marked by launching two operations in 2014 and 2016 to document illegal migrants according to specific criteria and the establishment of the National Appeal and Monitoring Committee as well as the legal reform process governing migration, asylum and trafficking in human beings.

The CNDH’s Pavilion will be accessible to persons with disabilities (accessibilty, sign language interpretations) and its events can be followed live on social media:

Download the program of the CNDH's participation in SIEL (available only in French)

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Press release

Following reports published by media outlets on January 26th, 2019 about Mr. Nasser Zefzafi’s health, who is detained at the Ain Sebaa 1 Local Prison in Casablanca, the National Human Rights Council, upon its Chairperson's decision, dispatched a team of three members, including a forensic specialist, to inquire about Mr. Zefzafi’s health and to take a close look at his medical report.

The team visited the prison and held several meetings with the prison administration and Mr. Nasser Zefzafi as well as the two doctors of the prison. Mr Zefzafi was medically examined on the same occasion. 

The team also looked at his medical report and the recordings of what happened on Saturday, January 26th, 2019.

The team drafted a general visit report with a detailed annex on Mr. Zefzafi’s health condition. The National Human Rights Council has thus concluded that Mr. Zefzafi has undergone seven medical exams in several specialties by doctors at the Ibn Rochd University Hospital in Casablanca, in addition to three radiology exams.

The report by the CNDH-appointed forensic specialist has concluded that Mr. Zefzafi’s health does not raise any concerns and recommended, to the prison administration, completing the additional medical exams.

The National Human Rights Council observes the trial and will publish its report and conclusions as soon as the Casablanca Court of Appeal renders its final decision.

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HM King Mohammed VI appoints Ms Amina Bouayach new president of the National Human Rights Council

Here l follows the statement of the royal Office:

"HM King Mohammed VI received on Thursday, December 6, 2018 at the Royal Palace in Rabat, Amina Bouayach, whom the Sovereign has appointed chairwoman of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH).

During this audience, HM the King reaffirmed his continuous high solicitude for the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens as well as their promotion in terms of culture and practice, in accordance with national and universal standards in this field and the provisions of the Kingdom's Constitution, as a comprehensive charter of human rights in its political, economic, social, cultural and environmental dimensions.

After recalling the Council's positive contribution to the promotion of human rights in our country, HM the King gave his high guidelines to the chairwoman of the Council to continue efforts to strengthen and promote the achievements made by Morocco in this field that enjoy the consideration of specialized international and regional institutions and bodies, which amplifies the responsibility of this Council in view of the broad powers it enjoys.

In this regard, HM the King stressed the need for the Council, in its new composition and as an independent national institution, to carry out the tasks assigned to it under the act on its reorganization, in particular with regard to the national mechanism for the prevention of torture, the national complaint mechanism for children victims of violations of their rights and the national mechanism for the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities.

In this context, HM the King called on the Council to continue to coordinate and strengthen cooperation with the various national and international, governmental and non-governmental institutions, bodies and organizations, in order to contribute to promoting the culture and values of human rights and the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens".

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CNDH organizes and participates in several events on Migration in Marrakech

As a part of its participation in the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) and the Intergovernmental Conference to adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM), the National Human Rights Council of Morocco (CNDH) organizes and takes part in several events from 6 to 11 December 2018 in Marrakech, Morocco.

Hence, CNDH Chairperson Driss El Yazami will take the floor on the 5th December at the opening session of the GFMD. He will also speak at the Intergovernmental Conference to adopt the GCM on 10 and 11 December on behalf of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), an international network that brings together more than 120 national human rights institutions (NHRIs).

On the 6th and 7th of December 2018, the CNDH will hold an international seminar on “Migration dynamics in Africa: Current situation and challenges for a common research agenda” at the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Ben Guerir (a town near Marrakech). Held in partnership with the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, the Office chérifien des phosphates (OCP), and UNESCO-Morocco, with the support of the French Embassy in Morocco, this event will bring together about forty researchers from seventeen countries (South Africa, Germany, Benin, Cameroon, Cambodia, Italy, Lebanon, Kenya, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Senegal, Spain, Canada, France, United States, Tanzania). The objective: “establishing the outlines of an African agenda of multidisciplinary research on migration, focused on the themes that are identified as central or themes that currently get little attention”.

On Friday, 7 December 2018, the CNDH and UNESCO will present “the African Cities Initiative for Migration” at a plenary session at the GFMD. This jointly developed project aims to support territorial authorities, especially municipalities, in the implementation of social inclusion policies for migrants. Intra-African cooperation, human rights approach and gender equality will be the drivers of this project. The initiative will be presented jointly by Ms Golda El Khouri, UNESCO Representative, Mr. Driss El Yazami, CNDH President, and Mr. Jean-Pierre Elong Mbassi, Secretary General of the African United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG).

The CNDH have developed two other projects with UN agencies for the Marrakech global migration events. This includes, an exhibition of objects by migrants children entitled “Uprooted journeys: The role of an object”. Organized in partnership with UNICEF, the exhibition will be open to public from 5 to 10 December 2018 at the Palais des Congrès in Palmeraie Golf Palace, Marrakech. The second project is a temporary FM radio (“Mig Radio”) implemented thanks to an authorization from the Moroccan High Authority of Audiovisual Communication. This project was developed by UNESCO and FMAS (Forum des Alternatives Maroc) in partnership with the CNDH.

Thanks to the efforts and mobilisation of GANHRI, the role of NHRIs is recognized in the final text of the Global Compact for safe, Orderly and Regular Migration as national mechanisms that can help with the implementation of the GCM. The CNDH is thus scheduling two gatherings for NHRIs on 9 December 2018. The first with the Network of African National Human Rights Institutions’ Working Group on Migration, bringing together the NHRIs of Morocco, Niger, Kenya, Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The second is a Compact follow-up meeting with several NHRIs attending events in Marrakech, from the different parts of the world.

The CNDH is also invited to take part in several other events, including the Euro-African Migration and Development Hub on 8 December 2018 at Dar Saïda, Marrakech, by the Heinrich Böll Foundation of North Africa- Rabat, Morocco, and on 9 December, a seminar by the French Institute (at Maison Denise Masson) as well as an interactive panel held by the International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF).

GFMD participants will have the opportunity to interact with the CNDH and consult its publications at its booth at the Palmeraie Confrenece Center from 5 to 7 December 2018. The Council’s chairperson will hold meetings with several chairs of delegations and leaders of many international organisations throughout the week.

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Marrakech: Regional conference on “the role of young people in building tolerant societies”

In cooperation with the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) organizes a regional conference on “The role of young people in building tolerant societies” from 5 to 8 November 2018 in Marrakech, Morocco.

The conference is a part of a series of events organized under the project “Protecting the rights of religious minorities in the Middle East and North Africa”. It aims at expanding the role of young people to actively promote tolerance, combat hate speech and promote the rights of religious minorities in the Middle East region. It also intends to encourage young people to participate in public affairs and to support their civil and political participation, as well as to share experiences and best practices in promoting the rights of minorities and the right to participate in public affairs.

The program of this conference is based on the results of the regional workshop on “the role of young actors working in the field of religion and belief in promoting human rights in the Middle East and North Africa” held in Tunis. It will also address issues on promoting the right of minorities in the Middle East, combating hate speech and promoting the right of young people to participate in public affairs, etc.

The conference will be attended by around 50 young leaders aged 18 to 35 from the Middle East and North Africa: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab republic, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Mauritania, Sudan and Morocco.

The opening session of the conference will be held on Monday 5 November 2018 at 9:00am at the Mogador El Kasbah Hotel in Marrakech. Mr. Mohammed Essabbar, Secretary General of the CNDH, Mr. Rachid Talbi Alami, Minister of Youth and Sports and Mr. Mazen Chakoura, Deputy Regional Representative for the Middle East and North Africa will participate in this event.

