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Communiqué de presse

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) is following with interest the debate on individual freedoms and the issue of voluntary termination of pregnancy. This debate has been stirred by the arrest of Mrs. Hajar Raissouni.

The Council took note of reflections and positions of public opinion on individual freedoms and private life issues. It also condemned the discriminatory attacks and insults made against the person concerned.

The CNDH informs public opinion that, in the coming days, it will present its recommendations on the amendment to the Penal Code which is being discussed by the Committee on legislation and human rights at the House of Representatives.

The CNDH is reassured to be able to rely on the citizens’ support for the Council’s recommendations on the protection of individual freedoms and privacy in compliance, inter alia, with the constitutional provisions related to the guarantee of rights and fundamental freedoms (particularly paragraph 1, Article 24) and with the international instruments ratified by Morocco.

The CNDH hopes that Mrs. Hajar Raissouni and Mr. Refaat Amin can be promptly released. It also expects that debates and public expressions will be a turning point to put an end to the indecision of political actors relating to the harmonization of the Morocco’s legislative framework with the provisions of the Constitution and the international instruments ratified by Morocco. The CNDH also expects that these debates will be a milestone to the adaptation of this framework with societal practices.

Finally, the CNDH declared that it had appointed a representative to observe the trial of Mrs. Hajar Raissouni, Mr. Refaat Amin and all persons prosecuted in this case.C’est avec intérêt que le CNDH suit le débat sur les libertés individuelles et la question de l’interruption volontaire de la grossesse qu’a pu susciter, parmi nos concitoyens, l’arrestation de Madame Hajar Raissouni.

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CNDH participates in the Third Ibero-American Summit on Migration and Trafficking in Persons

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) participates in the Third Ibero-American Summit which will be held on 3 and 4 September 2019 in Mexico.

This event will be organized by the Ibero-American Federation of Ombudsman (FIO), the Network working on Migrants and Trafficking in Persons issues (known in Spanish as: Red de Migrantes y Trata de personas) and the National Human Rights Commission of Mexico.

The Third Ibero-American Summit on Migration and Trafficking in Persons will be an opportunity for the CNDH to share the Moroccan experience on migration and its management. It will be also an opportunity to discuss "the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration" and "Trafficking in Persons" during two plenary sessions to be held on 3 September 2019. A third plenary session on "the causes and origins of migration "will be held on 4 September 2019.

The agenda of this Summit will also schedule round tables on several topics including “"Detentions of Migrants", "Extra-continental Migration" and "Extraordinary Migratory Flows".

Mr. Mounir Bensaleh, General Secretary of the CNDH, will contribute in the Round Table on “International Protection of Migrants" scheduled on 4 September 2019.

An exhibition of migrants’ art works will also be on the program of this summit.

International human rights experts and researchers, representatives of ombudsman and national human rights institutions (NHRIs) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) will take part in this event.

To be noted, the CNDH chairs the Working Group on Migration within the Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI) representing the five African sub-regions. This group aims to discuss a new framework, to guide the reflection and to promote the dialogue on migration and Human Rights. It also aims to share experiences and reinforce dialogue among NHRIs, civil society, governments and other actors.

The CNDH published the recommendations of its report on migration and asylum in September 2013. This report called for the development and implementation of a public policy protecting rights based on international cooperation and integration of civil society. The Government, which has interacted positively with the Council’s recommendations, has put in place a new migration policy, in accordance with the Royal Guidelines. This policy respects the global and humanistic approach and is based on the international law and multilateral cooperation.

The first stages of this policy were marked by launching two operations in 2014 and 2016 to document illegal migrants according to specific criteria and the establishment of the National Appeal and Monitoring Committee as well as the legal reform process governing migration, asylum and trafficking in human beings.

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624 recipients of new arbitration decisions as part of the implementation of the recommendations of the Moroccan Truth Committee

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) is organizing meetings with several groups of victims or their rightful claimants to deliver new arbitration decisions of the Follow-up Committee for the implementation of the recommendations of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER) on 6 and 7 August 2019 in its headquarters in Rabat, Morocco. This operation aims to compensate victims and their rightful claimants for the serious human rights violations committed between 1956 and 1999. These cases were processed in accordance with the standards and criteria defined in the IER Final Report.

On 6 January 2006, the Advisory Council, currently the CNDH, was entrusted to follow up on the implementation of the IER recommendations to monitor the implementation of IER’s recommendations, including those relating to: individual reparation, financial compensation, social integration, administrative and financial regularization and medical coverage of victims and rightful claimants.

The CNDH expresses its apologies to the victims and rightful claimants for the delay registered to implement the aforementioned recommendations since 2012. The CNDH also undertakes to continue its actions to turn the page on the serious violations of human rights.

To this end, the CNDH will deliver the first arbitration decisions for 624 recipients among pending files. Efforts were made during recent weeks to mobilize nearly 87 million dirhams for this operation, which includes:
•   39 recipients whose files were incomplete and who submitted the missing documents;
•   80 recipients among civilian victims abducted by the Polisario;
• 28 recipients among victims whose fate was unknown and who submitted the necessary documents for the finalization of their files;
• 367 recipients belonging to the group of Ahermommou students who submitted their applications to the IER;
• 110 victims or rightful claimants having benefited from social integration.

To be noted, in line with the IER recommendations on social integration, the Follow-up Committee will finalize its technical and administrative procedures relating to supplementary pension for several victims integrated in public services or in public institutions. This Committee will also review the remaining or pending files.

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The National Human Rights Council... A new horizon for human rights

In accordance with the provisions of Morocco’s Constitution, in particular Article 161, which establishes the National Human Rights Council as a constitutional body and Article 171, which states that the composition, mandate and operating mode of the Council shall be governed by law;

In accordance with Articles 36, 45 and 52 of Law No. 15.76 concerning the reorganization of the Council, promulgated by virtue of Royal Decree No. 1.18.17 of 22 February 2018, His Majesty King Mohammed VI has appointed :

- Mr. Mounir Bensalah, Secretary-General of the Council;
- Ms. Soulma Taoud, Chairperson of the Council’s Regional Commission of Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima;
- Mr. Mohamed Amarti, Chairperson of the Council’s Regional Commission of the Oriental Region;
- Mr. Abderrahmane Lamrani, Chairperson of the Council’s Regional Commission of Fez-Meknes;
- Ms. Houria Tazi Sadeq, Chairperson of the Council’s Regional Commission of Rabat-Salé-Kenitra;
- Mr. Ahmed Taoufik Zainabi, Chairperson of the Council’s Regional Commission of Beni Mellal-Khenifra;
- Ms. Saadia Waddah, Chairperson of the Council’s Regional Commission of Casablanca-Settat;
- Mr. Mohamed Mustafa Laarissa, Chairperson of the Council’s Regional Commission of Marrakech-Safi;
- Ms. Fatima Aarach, Chairperson of the Council’s Regional Commission of Draa-Tafilalet;
- Mr. Mohammed Charef, Chairperson of the Council’s Regional Commission of Souss-Massa;
- Mr. Brahim Laghzal, Chairperson of the Council’s Regional Commission of Guelmim - Oued Noun;
- Mr. Taoufik Berdiji, Chairperson of the Council’s Regional Commission of Laayoune- Sakia El Hamra;
- Mrs. Maimouna Essayed, Chairperson of the Council’s Regional Commission of Dakhla- Oued Eddahab.

His Majesty King Mohammed VI has appointed as members of the Council:
- Mr. Mustpha Raïssouni;
- Ms. Malika Benradi;
- Ms. Nezha Guessous;
- Ms. Amina El Messaoudi;
- Mr. Elie El Baz.

Upon the proposal of the delegated President of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power, His Majesty King Mohammed VI has appointed :
- Ms. Aicha Naciri;
- Mr. Abdelkerim Elaazani.

Upon the proposal of the President of the Higher Council of Ulemas (Muslim scholars), His Majesty King Mohammed VI has appointed:
- Ms. Zahira Fountir;
- Mr. Driss Ben Ahmed Khalifa.

Further, the membership of the Council, as provided for in article 36 above, shall include, in addition to the above-mentioned members:
- The Council members appointed by the Chief of the Government:
 Mr. El Mahjoub El Haiba;
 Ms. Zhour El Horr;
 Mr. Mohamed El Bakir;
 Mr. Ali Karimi;
 Ms. Fatima Chaabi;
 Mr. Mehtat Rakkas;
 Mr. Mohamed Benajiba;
 Mr. Omar Oudra.

- The Council members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives:
 Mr. Omar Benitto;
 Mr. Abdelmoutaleb Amiyare;
 Mr. Abdelhafid Adminou;
 Mr. Driss Sentissi.

- The Council members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Councilors:
 Mr. Mustapha Mrizak;
 Ms. Ajmiaa Heddad;
 Ms. Aziza Bekkali Kacimi;
 Mr. Omar Adkhil.

- The Council member appointed by the Mediator:
 Mr. Mohamed Haidare.
- The Council member appointed by the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad:
 Mr. Ali benmakhelouf.

The new membership of the National Human Rights Council represents intellectual and social pluralism, as well as cultural, linguistic and territorial diversity. This promotes positive accumulation and create qualitative development in support for irreversible choices to ensure the universality and indivisibility of human rights.

The multifaceted approach, adopted in the selection and appointment of experienced members in the field of human rights by His Majesty the King, constitutional institutions and elected bodies, including through transparent and open nominations, reflects the qualitative value added to the best practices relating to the membership in national human rights institutions as set out in the Principles Paris, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993.

The Council members will discharge the Council’s broad mandate based on a three-dimensional approach to the protection and promotion of human rights as well as the prevention of all violations that may occur. This includes, inter alia, the establishment of a national mechanism for the prevention of torture, a child redress mechanism and the monitoring mechanism for the rights of persons with disabilities, the strengthening of mediation mechanisms and evaluation of public policies, etc. All these open up new horizons for human rights in the mandate of the Council within the framework of the firm choices of the Moroccan State.

The Council will hold a reception in honor of the new members on Tuesday 23 July 2019 at its headquarters in Rabat.

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The CNDH meets with the delegation of the National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms of Cameroon

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) will meet with the Delegation of the National Commission for Human Rights and Freedoms of Cameroon (NCHRF) from 23 to 26 July 2019 as part of a study visit.

This visit aims at learning about the Moroccan experience on human rights. It is part of the CNDH actions related to sharing its experiences and expertise with the commissions and councils members of Network of the National African Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI).

Thus, this study visit will be an opportunity for the Cameroonian delegation to learn about the Moroccan experience, in particular the legislative framework governing public freedoms, the functioning of civil society in Morocco and the role of the CNDH in the elaboration, implementation and raising awareness of this legal framework.

Members of the delegation will also learn about the criteria used to diagnose NGOs in Morocco and methods, themes and results obtained as part of activities related to raising awareness and advocacy on civil liberties for administrative authorities and civil society.

During this study visit, light will be shed on the CNDH missions related to protecting and promoting human rights, the actions of the Rabat-Driss Benzekri Institute for Human Rights and the CNDH’s relationship with other international organizations.

Meetings with other institutions and civil society will be scheduled as part of the program of this study visit, such as: the Economic, Social and Environmental Council, the Interministerial Delegation for Human Rights, the Mediator Institution of the Kingdom, the Presidency of the Public Prosecutor, The High Authority of Audiovisual Communication (HACA), the Moroccan Observatory for civil Liberties, the Moroccan Organization for Human Rights (OMDH), the National Observatory for Children's Rights, etc.

The CNDHL delegation is composed of Mrs. Eva Etongue Mayer Epse Tamo, General Secretary of the CNDHL, Mr. Nonetchoupo Gabriel, Head of Division for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights at the CNDHL and Mr. Amanye Botiba Philippe, Head of the Promotion Unit at the NCHRF.

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Training session on the implementation of the NPM mandate by NHRIs

To commemorate the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, the Francophone Association of National Human Rights Commissions (AFCNDH), the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF), the Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT) and the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) are organizing a training session for national human rights institutions (NHRIs) on the mandate of the national preventive mechanisms (NPMs). This training session will be held from24 to 26 June 2019 at the Rabat- Driss Benzekri Institute for Human Rights.

This training session aims at strengthening the capacities and knowledge of NHRIs on the mandate of the NPM and on its prevention system as stipulated by the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT).

Presidents, commissioners and representatives of African NHRIs (Rwanda, Mali, Togo, Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mauritania and Morocco) will take part in this training session. This event will be an opportunity to discuss fundamental aspects of the OPCAT, generalities related to the NPM and challenges and opportunities of integrating the NPM into an NHRI. Stakeholders will also debate on synergies and interactions between NPMs and other departments in an NHRI, NPM’s relations with other national and international actors, and preventive visits.

NPMs have the power to verify the conditions and treatment of persons deprived of their liberty. They also recommend structural, legal and practical changes to create environments free of the risk of torture and ill-treatment be provided by authorities.

In fact, NHRIs and NPMs are both state-established bodies with equivalent legal status. Their main common interest is protecting human rights.

It should be noted that law No. 76-15 on the reorganization of the CNDH provides for the establishment of the NPM in accordance with the provisions of the OPCAT. Moreover, Morocco ratified the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment (CAT) on 21 June 1993. On 1 November 2012, the Kingdom started the ratification process of its Optional Protocol (OPCAT) and deposited its ratification instruments on 24 November 2014, thus becoming the 76th State Party to the OPCAT.

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Ceremony to announce the composition of the Scientific Committee of CNDH’s National Human Rights Training Institute

As part of the reorganization of the CNDH’s National Human Rights Training Institute (INFDH)- Driss Benzekri, the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) is organizing a Ceremony to announce the composition of its Scientific Committee on Wednesday 15 May 2019 at 9 pm at the Charif Al IDrissi Amphitheater at the Faculty of humanities, Rabat.

The purpose of the reorganization is to make the INFDH for a hubhuman rights, capacity building, a space for debating human rights issues, as well as a resource centre particularly by using new information technologies. The INFDH will also have a mission to compile a package of knowledge in the area of human rights.

Composed of eminent, national and international members working in human rights areas, this Committee will define the Institute’s scientific focus areas, particularly regarding training, capacity building, research, publications and reflection.

Mrs. Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson, members of the INFDH Scientific Committee, university presidents, deans of faculties, parliamentarians and representatives of government departments and civil society will take part in this ceremony.

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Morocco and integration of migrants in Morocco: opportunity and obstacles

The Regional Human Rights Commission (CRDH) in Agadir in partnership with the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (DVV International) and the Migration and Development Researchers Association, will organize a seminar on Morocco and integration of migrants in Morocco: opportunity and obstacles.

This event will take place on Friday 3 May 2019 at the headquarters of the CRDH in Agadir.

It will address Moroccan migration policy, analytical view on the draft law on asylum No. 66-17, Legal Clinic related to migration, living conditions for Sub-Saharan migrants and their integration needs in Sous- Massa Region.

This seminar is part of the implementation of the Agadir CRDH’s annual program related to the protection of the right of migrants. It aims to open a public debate on issues related to the integration of migrants into social, economic and cultural spheres. It will also conclude with proposals to support this process, while paying particular attention to the programs of partners in the field.

The program of this event will be facilitated by Mr. Mustapha Laarissa, Chairperson of the Marrakech CRDH and Mr. Mohammed Charef, Chairperson of the Agadir CRDH will present a summary report at the closing ceremony of the symposium.

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Press release

Fulfilling its prevention and human rights protection mandate, and for moral and legal considerations related to the nature of its action, the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), in coordination with the General Delegation for Prison Administration and Reintegration (DGAPR), visited the detainees sentenced to prison terms following the events of Al-Houceima, after they were transferred on 11 April 2019 from the Casablanca-based Oukacha Prison to the prisons of Fes, Tangier, Al-Hoceima, Nador and Tetouan.

During the visits, the CNDH inquired about the reception, detention and health conditions of the detainees. The CNDH teams interviewed and met with the detainees individually and collectively and held several meetings with the wardens of the above mentioned prisons. The CNDH also inquired about the conditions of families/relatives visits to the detainees.

The teams of the CNDH’s regional human rights commissions (in Fes and Tangier), some of which included medical doctors, monitored and followed up regularly and continuously on the health conditions of the prisoners who were on hunger strike (more than 15 visits and daily phone calls).

During the interviews and the hearing sessions with the detainees, the CNDH, in presence of the prison administration representatives, advocated for the supremacy of the right to life and respect for international standards of detention.

The DGAPR committed to make more efforts to improve the detention conditions and make sure the family visits are running smoothly. It was thus agreed on the night of 25 April 2019 that the detainees stop their hunger strike.

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64th ordinary session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights: NANHRI to organize an event on regional follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration

The Working Group on Migration of the Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI), chaired by the National Human Rights Council of Morocco (CNDH) and composed of the NHRIs of Kenya, Zimbabwe, DRC and Niger, in cooperation with the National Council for Human Rights of Egypt, organizes an event on the side-lines of the 64th ordinary session of the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR), on April 23, 2019, in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

This event aims to discuss the modalities of multi-stakeholder cooperation for the implementation of the Global Compact for Migration (GCM) and its ownership at the continental level. It aims also to strengthen the interaction of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) with the African human rights system on the implementation of the GCM.

The opening session of this event will be launched by Ms. Amina Bouayach, President of the CNDH, Mr. Mohamed Fayek, President of the National Council for Human Rights of Egypt and Ms. SoyataMaiga, Chairperson of the ACHPR.
Several stakeholders will attend this event, including African NHRIs and NGOs, International Organization for Migration, African Union experts, such as the President of the ACHPR and the Special Rapporteur on Refugees, Asylum Seekers, Migrants and Displaced Persons and the African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies.

Mr. Mohammed Amarti, President of the CNDH Regional Human Rights Commission of Oujda-Figuig, will explore two main focus areas: “Implementation of the GCM: Between global commitment and operationalization at the regional level” and “the role of NHRIs and NGOs in strengthening the regional cooperation on the implementation and monitoring of the GCM”. Moreover, this event will ended with a session devoted to the discussion of the outcome document.

The GCM encourages regional and sub-regional platforms, organizations and mechanisms to review the implementation of the GCM in their respective regions, particularly in preparation for the first regional review in 2020. The ACHPR as an African mechanism for the protection and promotion of human rights as well as individual NHRIs and NANHRI, have a stake in marking a strong presence in this process.

The 64th ordinary session of the ACHPRwill be held from 24 April to 14 May 2019. On this occasion, Ms. Amina Bouayach will speak on behalf of NANHRI and will hold several meetings with African human rights experts.
It should be noted that, as a partner of the African Center for Democracy and Human Rights Studies, the CNDH conducted a pre-mission to Sharm El-Sheikh to prepare the various meetings planned in the margins of the 64th session of the ACHPR. The meetings held with the Egyptian authorities and partners were aimed at ensuring the success of these events.

