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International Day of Women in Diplomacy: Mrs. Bouayach Emphasizes Women’s Vital (...)

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55th Session of HRC: CNDH Stresses the Importance of Engaging Children in (...)

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CNDH Shares GANHRI Statement Emphasizing Support for Participatory and Inclusive (...)

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CNDH at the 26th International Editing and Book Fair: “1990-2020: An Ongoing Process to the Effectiveness of Rights”

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) is participating, for the ninth time in a row, in the 26th chapter of the International Editing and Book Fair, known in French as Salon International de l’Edition et du Livre (SIEL), which will be held this year from 6 to 16 February 2020 in Casablanca, Morocco.

The participation of the CNDH will be organized this year under the theme “1990-2020: An Ongoing Process to the Effectiveness of Rights”.

With the participation of institutional actors, United Nations experts, human rights activists, and civil society, this event will be an occasion to share the history of the Council for three decades with stakeholders and visitors.

Hence, the CNDH pavilion will be, for ten days, a space for discussion, expression, reading and sharing opinions and views on human rights issues. The program of the CNDH will be diversified and will include five sections: “Discussions and seminars”, “Presenting a book”, “Guests and Tributes”, “The CNDH Pavilion devoted to Children”, and “Civil Society Voices”.

Within this context, more than ten debates will be organized and will focus on various topics such as the effectiveness of rights, analysis of developments, challenges, and issues related to different human rights categories.

Debates section will include events on: “Criminal policy and human rights”, “Promoting equality: what is the role of media?”, “Transitional justice: from the treatment of human rights violations to constitutionalizing rights”, “Youth and participation, a driving force for development”, “cultural diversity and multilingualism”, “school and education to citizenship and human rights”, etc.

Furthermore, and to consolidate the tradition of recognition, the CNDH will program a daily section to honor personalities who have contributed to the promotion of human rights in Morocco or the world.
Thus, the CNDH will pay tribute to Mr. Mohammed Drissi Alami Machichi, former Minister of Justice and legal expert, Mr. Ahmed Abbadi, representing the Rabita Mohammadia des Oulémas, Dr. Hennou Allali, a doctor, human rights activists and a former member of the CNDH, Mrs. Nezha Bernoussi, a former detainee, human rights activist and former CNDH staff, Mrs. Nezha Benjelloun, former CNDH staff, and two experiences on citizenship and human rights from schools through  the Association Chams Al Amal and the provincial student council of Sidi Benrnoussi in Casablanca, Morocco.

Besides the CNDH publications, several books will be presented as part of “Presenting a book” section including: « Révélation de la mémoire et témoignage du document - Les évènement du 3 mars 1973 » by Mr. Mbarek Boudarqa Abbas, « Bioéthique et Droits Humains : Quelles Perspectives pour le Maroc » by Mr. Ali Benmakhlouf, « Déclaration universelle des droits de l’Homme, lecture et éclairages » by Mr. Mustapha Laraki, « Expressions et impressions » by Mrs. Aicha Belarbi, « Impossible de rester » by Mrs. Aminata Pagni, « Le handicap : Représentations et perceptions des personnes en situation de handicap au Maroc » by Mr. Jamal Khalil and « Nuit sans lune » by Abderrahman Khouja.

Following the principle of children’s participation, the CNDH pavilion will host more than 220 children from different regions in Morocco, as part of the interactive workshops on human rights and citizenship values.

Aware of the role of civil society in protecting and promoting human rights, the CNDH will make its space available for NGOs for the first time to share with the audience their concerns and their initiatives related to human rights issues.

The CNDH pavilion will cover over 400 m² and will host more than 58 events with the participation of over 120 national and international speakers.

Download the CNDH catalog (available only in French)

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Regional workshop on the promotion of human rights culture as part of the SDGs

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) and the Arab Network for National Human rights Institutions (ANNHRI) organize a high-level regional workshop on “The promotion of human rights culture as part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” on 4 and 5 February 2020 at the Kenzi Menara Palace Hotel in Marrakech, Morocco.     

Representatives of the National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) members of the ANNHRI, representatives of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), the Arab Institute for Human Rights and NGOs working in the field of human rights will participate in this event.

This workshop aims at enhancing the roles played by the Arab NHRIs in achieving the SDGs, particularly those related to the promotion of human rights culture. It is also an opportunity for stakeholders to share experiences and best practices and to study ways to face challenges related to human rights issues. Furthermore, this event intends to promote debates on ways to strengthen expertise and capacities.

This Regional workshop will be an occasion to enhance cooperation among Arab Institutions and consolidate the network’s relations with its international partners and all actors concerned. It also aims at coming up with a road map proposal to promote human rights culture as part of the SDGs.

The program of this event includes sessions on the general international framework for SDGs and the promotion of human rights culture and the role of NHRIs: experiences, best practices, and lessons learned. This workshop will also be an opportunity to discuss frameworks of cooperation between partners and the Arab network to implement the programs of NHRIs members at the regional level and present challenges and needs related to the promotion of human rights culture and the implementation of SDGs and its monitoring.

Mrs. Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson, Mr. Ahmed Akhchichen, President of the Marrakech Safi Region, Mr. Issam Younis, President of the ANNHRI, Mr. Ali Bin Smaikh Al-Marri, Secretary of the Global Alliance for NHRIs (GANHRI), Mr. Sultan bin Hassan Al Jamali, Executive Director of the ANNHRI will take part in this event.

To be noted, NHRIs play important roles in achieving the SDGs, including goals related to equality and education, through their contributions in monitoring public policies and legislations related to the promotion of human rights, such as gender equality, peace and non-violence culture and encouraging cultural diversity. This was underscored in the Merida Declaration, which addresses the role of NHRIs related to implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, following up on the implementation of these goals and elaborating reports on the progress of this implementation.

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CNDH appoints Human rights officer to receive and process requests for access to information

Pursuant to article 12 of Law No. 31-13 on the right of access to information, Mrs. Amina Bouayach, President of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), appointed Mrs. Amina Salhi, Director of Communication at the CNDH, for receiving and processing requests for access to information.

Article 12 of the Law No. 31-13 provides for the appointment of one or more persons for receiving and processing requests for access to information within bodies and institutions concerned with the application of the said law.

In accordance with article 13 of the said law, the CNDH has taken all the necessary measures to implement the provisions of this law, facilitate the mission of this person and provide her with the means necessary to accomplish her missions.

To this end, an internal committee has been set up to support the human rights officer and assist her so that she can exercise her functions in the best possible conditions.

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Memorandum of Understanding on medical monitoring between the CNDH and the Danish Institute against Torture- dignity

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) and the Danish Institute against Torture (DIGNITY) signed, on 20 December 2019 in El Jadida, Morocco, a Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of technical cooperation on monitoring aspects related to health in places of deprivation of liberty.

This Memorandum was signed by Mrs. Amina Bouayach, CNDH President and Mr. Jens Simon Modvig, Director, Chief Physician at DIGNITY. It focuses on strengthening the capacities of members and staff of the National Preventive Mechanism against Torture (NPM), experts and doctors.

As provided in this Memorandum of understanding, the two parties undertake to implement capacity-building actions through organizing workshops and developing medical monitoring tools and guides.

DIGNITY is a member of the Danish NPM. It provides support in capacity building for independent monitoring mechanisms around the world. Its international actions are supported through partnerships with civil society and government institutions.

Under Law 76-15 on the reorganization of the CNDH, the mandate of the NPM is entrusted to the CNDH. The NPM was operational since the General Assembly of the CNDH held on September 21, 2019. Its missions include, particularly, visiting places of deprivation of liberty to monitor conditions of detention and treatment of persons deprived of their liberty.

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12th Biennial Conference of the NANHRI: The Global Compact for Migration: African NHRIs’ Common Vision, Opportunities and Challenges in its Implementation

The National Human Rights Council of Morocco (CNDH) takes part in the 12th Biennial Conference of the Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI) from 5 to 6 November 2019 in Cairo, Egypt.

The CNDH will be represented by a delegation led by Ms. Amina Bouayach, President of the Council.

Organized jointly by the NANHRI and its host member, the National Council for Human Rights of Egypt, this conference will focus this year on “The Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular Migration (GCM): African national human rights institutions’ common vision, opportunities and challenges in its implementation”.

During two days, participants will address opportunities provided by the GCM and challenges that may hinder its implementation in the African region. They will also tackle how to promote research and accurate data as a basis for evidence based migration policies. Furthermore, stakeholders will discuss the role of NHRIs in fostering social cohesion and integration within the context of migration. The proceedings of this conference will exchange views on national implementation plans and the role of NHRIs in monitoring the respect of duties related to protection and promotion of human rights, as well as practical challenges and opportunities within the GCM.

This event will result in an outcome Declaration that will include recommendations about the various roles that NHRIs can play to promote and protect the rights of migrants in general and to contribute to the implementation of the GCM in particular.

The zero draft of this declaration was elaborated by the NANHRI Working Group on Migration, established in December 2018 and chaired by the CNDH. On the side-lines of the Biennale Conference, the working group will adopt its action plan within the framework of its meeting, chaired by Amina, on 3 November 2019.

The CNDH will also take part in the meeting of the NANHRI Steering Committee and the NANHRI General Assembly on 3 and 4 November 2019. 

44 NHRIs members of NANHRI, state representatives, civil society organisations, academic institutions and development partners will participate in this event.

The conference will be also attended by several personalities, including M. Carlos Negret Mosquera, President of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), Ms.  Andrea Kampf, Task force migration member of the GANHRI (of which the CNDH is the African representative), Mr. Mohamed Fayek, President of the National Council for Human Rights of Egypt, Ambassador Salah Hammad, Head of AGA Secretariat, DPA, African Union Commission.

The active participation of the CNDH in this conference is a continuation of its unwavering commitment since the start of the GCM negotiations through the GANHRI. The role of NHRIs has been recognized in the GCM and NHRIs confirmed their commitment to monitor the implementation of this international agreement and to protect the rights of migrants and their families.

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Press release

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) has taken note of information circulated by the press, social networks and civil society organizations, regarding practices of some transport companies, which make the sales of tickets dependent upon proof of residency permit for certain foreigners.

The CNDH received this information, is carrying out necessary investigations and will contact all the actors concerned in accordance with its mandate.

The CNDH reiterates the need to guarantee the fundamental principle of non-discrimination in accordance with the Constitution, which provided for in its preamble the Kingdom's commitment "to prohibit and combat discrimination against anyone on the grounds of sex, colour, creed, culture, social or regional background, language, disability or any other personal consideration”.

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World Day Against Death Penalty: CNDH reiterates its abolitionist position against the death penalty

On 10 October 2019, the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty and abolitionist organizations around the world celebrated the 17th World Day Against the Death Penalty. This day coincided with the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Therefore, the light was shed, this year, on the situation of children of prisoners sentenced to death “invisible victims”.

On this occasion, the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) organized on Thursday 10 October 2019 a series of visits and meetings with prisoners sentenced to death at the national level.

Mrs. Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson, held an open meeting with all prisoners sentenced to death at the central prison of Kénitra. This meeting was an opportunity for these prisoners to express and share their aspirations on various aspects related to their living conditions.

Mrs. Bouayach reiterated, during this meeting, the CNDH’s abolitionist position against the death penalty. The CNDH called the government, on several occasions, to vote for the UN General Assembly Resolution establishing a moratorium on the execution of the death penalty, in view to abolition. It also urged the State to ratify the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), aiming at abolishing the death penalty.

Furthermore, Mrs. Bouayach, highlighted the CNDH day-to-day actions, in partnership with the General Delegation for Prison Administration and Rehabilitation and the Ministry of Justice, to improve the living conditions of prisoners sentenced to death.

Based on several testimonials from participants, the CNDH President shed light on the importance of maintaining hope by creating opportunities to learn and to qualify to improve their situations.

Mrs. Bouayach reaffirmed the CNDH’s commitment to continue advocacy with the authorities (parliament, government), particularly by reaffirming its position in the debate on the reform of the Penal Code currently under discussion in Parliament and the need to initiate a national debate leading to a consensus for the abolition of this sentence.

The celebration of the World Day Against Death Penalty was a momentous moment for the CNDH to listen and share with prisoners sentenced to death and to assess their situation. This meeting aimed at collecting elements of advocacy and reinforcing its future actions to accompany the authorities to abolish the death penalty.

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Copenhagen: CNDH participates in the Convention against Torture Initiative (CTI) 2024 Global Seminar on Cooperation and Innovation

Ms Amina Bouayach, Chairperson of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), will take part in the Convention against Torture Initiative (CTI) 2024 Global Seminar on Cooperation and Innovation: Sharing State Experiences and Building Capacity in Criminal Investigations and Law Enforcement Practices. This event will take place on 1 and 2 October 2019 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Organized by the CTI Secretariat in partnership with the Danish Institute Against Torture (DIGNITY), this Seminar will provide a cross-regional platform for exchanging good practices, experiences and challenges in respect of criminal investigations and other law enforcement activities. It will also provide an opportunity to explore innovative approaches related to managing national law enforcement systems and structures.

Ms. Amina Bouayach will take part in the Moderated High Level conversation on “Cooperation and innovation in policing and law enforcement” to be held on 1 October 2019.

The proceedings of this seminar will focus on four panels: "Neuroscience and psychology in law enforcement", "Changing organizational cultures", "Sharing good practices and experiences: Safeguards in arrest and police custody” and “Alternative to confession orientated interrogations: Investigative interviewing ".

The meeting will bring together around 60 participants, including high-level representatives of the police, national security forces and relevant ministries. Leading experts in forensic sciences, psychology, torture prevention and investigation interviewing were also invited to share their experiences and expertise at this event.

On the side-lines of this seminar, Ms. Bouayach will meet with several personalities including Mr. Andrew Glimour, Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights at the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in New York, United States, Dr. Jens Modvig, Chairperson of the UN Committee against Torture and Chief Medical Officer, DIGNITY, Ms. Barbara Bernath, Secretary General of the Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT) and Mr. Rasmus Grue Christensen, CEO of the Danish Institute Against Torture (DIGNITY).

To be noted that the CTI is a 10-year inter-governmental, cross-regional initiative, launched at the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention Against Torture (UNCAT) in March 2014. This initiative is led by the governments of Chile, Denmark, Fiji, Ghana, Indonesia and Morocco.

The overall goal of the CTI is to reduce, by 2024, the risk of torture and ill-treatment in all States Parties to the UNCAT and to work actively to fully implement this convention.

It also should be noted that on 21 September 2019, the CNDH set up its National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture (NPM), which will examine the situation and treatment of persons deprived of their liberty by:
- Regular visits and visits whenever requested by the CNDH,
- The elaboration of any recommendation that could improve the treatment and situation of persons deprived of their liberty and prevent torture,
- The submission of any proposal or note on existing legislation or on bills or proposals relating to the prevention of torture.

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The CNDH finalizes its structures and approves its rules of procedure and strategy

The General Assembly (GA) of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) unanimously approved its rules of procedure, its strategy, its draft budget for the year 2020 and finalizes its structures during the first ordinary session held on Saturday 21 September 2019 at the CNDH headquarters in Rabat, Morocco.

In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 76.15 on the reorganization of the CNDH, the rules of procedure is composed of 84 articles distributed to 13 titles. It also includes two annexes:
- An appendix related to the Code of Ethics, which sets out the principles, values and rules to which each member of the CNDH, its regional commissions and national mechanisms must respect when exercising their functions;
- An appendix related to the basic functions of the headquarters’ CNDH departments.

Furthermore, the Council has also finalizes all its structures, as follows:

- National mechanisms:
The National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture
Coordinator: Mohamed Benajiba
Members: Aicha Naciri, Mustapha Raïssouni (Rapporteur)

The National Redress Mechanism for Children Victims of Human Rights Violations
Coordinator: Abdelkarim Alaazani
Members: Malika Benradi, Najoua Achergui

The National Mechanism for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Coordinator: Zhour Lhorr
Members: Ajmiaa Haddad, Omar Bnittou

- Permanent Committees
Permanent Committee on Monitoring and Protecting Human Rights Violations
Coordinator: Ali Karimi
Rapporteur: Mahtat Rakas
Members: Saadia Wadah, Soulma Taoud, Fatima Aarach

Permanent Committee on Promoting Human Rights Culture and Democratic Construction
Coordinator: Mustapha Merizek
Rapporteur: Zahira Fountir
Members: Aziza Bekkali kassimi, Mohammed Mustapha Laarissa, Brahim Laghzal, Driss Ben Ahmed Khalifa

Permanent Committee on Equality, Non-Discrimination and New Generations of Human Rights
Coordinator: Nezha Guessous
Rapporteur: Abdelmoutaleb Amiyar
Members: Mahjoub El Haiba, Maimouna Essayed, Fatima Chaabi, Ahmed Taoufik Zainabi

Permanent Committee on the Development of International Relations, Partnerships and Cooperation
Coordinator: Amina El Messaoudi
Rapporteur: Omar Oudra
Members: Houria Tazi Sadeq, Tawfik Berdiji, Mohammed Charef, Elie ElBaz

Permanent Committee on Evaluating and Monitoring the Effectiveness of Human Rights in Public Policies and on the Harmonization of Legislation
Coordinator: Abdelhafid Edmino
Rapporteur: Omar Adkhil
Members: Driss Sentissi, Mohamed El Bakir, Mohamed Amarti, Abderrahman Lemrani

The GA approved the CNDH strategic guidelines based on the principle of the effectiveness of rights. Through this, the CNDH aims to be an effective and accessible redress mechanism, a space for debate to promote pressing human rights issues. It also intends to be a framework to develop preventive measures through mediation and proactive intervention to prevent human rights violations.

In addition, the GA was informed on the axes and the structure of three reports, namely the annual report for the year 2019 and the two reports of the CNDH on: Al Hoceima and Jerada events. Within this context, the CNDH will continue to work in accordance with its law and its rules of procedure.

Moreover, the GA reviewed Bill 58-19 on the "Covenant on the Rights of the Child in Islam", submitted by the Government on 22 August 2019, on which the Council will develop an advisory opinion on the basis of self-referral.
Mrs. Soyata Maiga, Chairperson of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR) of the African Union (AU), Mr. Rémy Ngoy Lumbu, Special Rapporteur of the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR) on Human Rights Defenders, Mr. Mohamed Mabassa Fall, International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) Representative to the African Union and member of the Steering Committee of the African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies and Mrs. Hannah Forster, Executive Director of the same Centre took part in the opening ceremony of the first session of the CNDH’s GA.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Mrs. Maiga encouraged Morocco to adhere to African human rights mechanisms. She stated that "Morocco has a leadership role to play in this area". In this regard, Mrs. Maiga pointed out that the African community has shown interest in all interactions/dialogues among the CNDH, civil society and the ACHPR at the Forum of civil society on migration and asylum that took place in Sharm El Sheikh last April.

For his part, Mr. Rémy Nogoy said that he wishes to see Morocco ratified very soon the African Charter of Human Rights. Mr. Mabassa Fall expressed his conviction that "Morocco will undoubtedly meet the challenge of development, prosperity and dignity".

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Notice to journalists

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) will hold the opening session of the first ordinary session of its General Assembly on September 21, 2019, from 9:30am to 10:30am, at its headquarters in Rabat, Morocco.

Mrs. Soyata Maiga, Chairperson of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR) and her delegation, invited by the CNDH, will take part in the opening session of the General Assembly.

Mrs. Maiga will present the ACHPR’s mandate and missions.

