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CNDH and Ministry of Health organize Meeting of the National Multi-Sectoral Committee on the Integrated National Strategy for Human Rights, HIV, Tuberculosis and Viral Hepatitis 2024-2030

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection are organizing, on Tuesday 7 May 2024, a meeting of the National Multi-Sectoral Committee within the framework of implementing the integrated national strategy for human rights, HIV, tuberculosis and viral hepatitis for the period 2024-2030.

This meeting will take place at the CNDH headquarters in Rabat, Morocco, at 8:30 am.

This event is part of the support for implementing the national strategy, which is the first of its kind to address these three diseases and the third for HIV. This strategy integrates the needs of those infected with these diseases to accelerate progress towards their elimination by 2030, in alignment with Sustainable Development Goals.

This meeting aims to address the core principles, objectives and key areas of intervention outlined in the new strategy. It also seeks to present the memorandum related to minors’ access to diagnoses for the three diseases. Besides, the meeting will provide an opportunity for consultations on the main activities, measures and priorities for the year 2024.

Representatives from CNDH and its CRDHs’, various relevant ministerial sectors, NGOs, United Nations agencies in Morocco, persons affected by HIV and tuberculosis and other relevant stakeholders will participate in this meeting.

Partnership agreement, signed by Ms. Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson, and Mr. Khalid Ait Taleb, Minister of Health and Social Protection, on 4 December 2023 in Rabat, Morocco, focuses on the “National Strategy for Human Rights, HIV, Tuberculosis and Viral Hepatitis 2024-2030.” It aims to protect human rights and reduce stigma, discrimination and inequality against individuals infected with these viruses and those at risk of infection.

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Meeting on Achievements and Methods for Strengthening the National Mechanism for the Protection of the Rights of PWD

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) is organizing a meeting with civil society titled “Achievements and Methods for Strengthening the National Mechanism for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (PWD),” on Tuesday 30 April 2024, at 9:30 am, at the CNDH headquarters in Rabat, Morocco.

This meeting is part of the implementation of the CNDH approach aiming to foster consultation and promote active and effective engagement with all relevant stakeholders and actors advocating for the rights of PWD. This event takes into consideration the pivotal role played by NGOs advocating for and promoting the rights of PWD.

Through this meeting, the CNDH aims to share the four years of experience of the National Mechanism for the Protection of the Rights of PWD, highlighting its contribution to public debate on fundamental issues of interest to various stakeholders and partners involved in disability advocacy in Morocco. Aligned with the CNDH strategy, the Mechanism conducts its missions to ensure the effectiveness of human rights and enhance protective measures as a pivotal tool and structural indicator for monitoring and addressing access to civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights for PWD in accordance with the relevant international human rights conventions.

Mr. Mounir Bensalah, CNDH Secretary General, will deliver an opening statement at this event.

Mrs. Zhour El Horr, coordinator of the national mechanism for the Protection of the rights of PWD, institutional actors and NGOs representatives will participate in this meeting.

Participants will have the opportunity to explore an exhibition showcasing photos and videos of Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER) organized by the CNDH at its Rabat headquarters. This exhibition is part of the commemoration of the “20 years of Truth, Equity and Reconciliation… Commemorating a Milestone and a Process,” initiated by the CNDH Chairperson on Friday 26 January 2024, and continuing throughout the year.

It's noteworthy that Morocco was one of the first countries to sign the Convention on the Rights of PWD and its Optional Protocol on 30 March 2007, and ratified it on 8 April 2009.

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National Symposium: Exploring Legal Challenges and Reform Stakes in Guardianship for Neglected Children

The National Human Rights Council /National Redress Mechanism for Children (CNDH/NRDC) is organizing a national symposium on « Guardianship for Neglected Children: Legal Challenges and Reform Prospects », on Thursday 25 April 2024, at 9 am at the CNDH headquarters in Rabat, Morocco.

Ms. Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson, will deliver the opening statement.

The symposium aims to address the challenges surrounding guardianship for neglected children by exploring the development of an alternative guardianship system that caters to their educational, social and material needs. It also seeks to provide recommendations to preserve their humanity, dignity and identity components. The ultimate goal is to advocate for amendments to the law regulating the guardianship of neglected children, ensuring their enjoyment of all their rights outlined in international conventions, particularly those enshrined in the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (ICRC).

Participants will examine this subject through several points focusing on:
- Moroccan guardianship law and its practical challenges;
- Situation of children recognized as wards of the nation who have been affected by natural disasters;
- Moroccan guardianship law and foreign legal systems;
- Guardianship by those living abroad : legislation and reality.

Additionally, the symposium will feature testimonies from relevant participants to provide insights into these issues.

Representatives from the Ministry of Solidarity, Social Inclusion and Family, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Interior and Presidency of Public Prosecution will participate in this event, besides NGOs working in the field of child protection.

This press release is an open invitation to the media to attend and cover this event.

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CNDH holds meeting with NGOs on National Preventive Mechanism against Torture

The National Human Rights Council/National Preventive Mechanism against Torture (CNDH/NPM) is organizing a communication meeting with NGOs on Monday 22 April 2024, at 9 am, to be held at the CNDH headquarters in Rabat, Morocco.

This meeting is part of the CNDH/NPM initiatives to promote best practices in implementing human rights standards, preventing violations and addressing challenges.

It aims to share the NPM experience, actions, methodologies, outcomes, visits to places of deprivation of liberty, recommendations from annual reports since 2019 and proposals for aligning national laws with Morocco’s international commitments.

Ms. Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson, will deliver the opening statement.

The agenda of this event includes a presentation on NPM actions by Dr. Mohamed Benaajiba, NPM Coordinator, followed by an interactive discussion.

Participants will have the opportunity to explore an exhibition showcasing photos and videos of Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER) organized by the CNDH at its Rabat headquarters. This exhibition is part of the commemoration of the “20 years of Truth, Equity and Reconciliation… Commemorating a Milestone and a Process,” initiated by the CNDH Chairperson on Friday 26 January 2024, and continuing throughout the year.

The establishment of the NPM took place at the first session of the CNDH General Assembly on 21 September 2019, in line with the provisions of Law 76-15 relating to the CNDH reorganization and its Rules of Procedure.

This press release is an open invitation to the media to attend and cover this event.

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Drâa-Tafilalet Region: CRDH Meeting on the Role of Historical Monuments in Development - Ouarzazate Province as Exemple

The Regional Human Rights Commission (CRDH) in the Drâa-Tafilalet Region, Morocco, in collaboration with the Regional Directorate of Culture in Ouarzazate, Morocco, and the Specialized Institute of Hotel and Tourism Applied Technology in Ouarzazate, organizes a meeting on "Historical Monuments and their Role in Achieving Development - Ouarzazate Province as a Model."

The event will take place on Wednesday 17 April 2024, at 3:00 PM in Ouarzazate.

This meeting is a component of the CRDH's efforts to fulfill the mandate of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) in protecting and promoting human rights, particularly concerning heritage preservation.

Participants will address several issues, including the impact of intangible cultural heritage on development in the Drâa-Tafilalet region, intersection of cultural heritage and development prospects in Ouarzazate, and effective marketing and promotion mechanisms for cultural heritage

The meeting aims to provide valuable insights and knowledge for students of the Specialized Institute of Hotel and Tourism Applied Technology, as well as civil society activists interested in heritage preservation. By fostering public debate and bolstering understanding of the role of historical monuments in development, the event seeks to offer robust scientific evidence to support this crucial aspect. Additionally, it aims to advocate for the preservation of these monuments within the framework of sustainable development initiatives.

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Drâa-Tafilalet Region: Empowering Students - Meetings on combating violence, school dropout, and health education

The Regional Human Rights Commission (CRDH) in the Drâa-Tafilalet region, in partnership with the Regional Academy of Education and Training, Regional Directorate of Health and Social Protection, Regional Directorate of Culture, and Regional Office of the Moroccan Red Crescent in Morocco, organizes awareness-raising meetings for students in both the Tazarine and N’kob communities (Zagora Province, Morocco) and the Tidili and Agouim communities (Ouarzazate Province, Morocco).

These events are designed for students. They aim to raise awareness on the negative effects of underage marriage and its relationship to the right to health, the right to education, and school dropout. These meetings will be an opportunity to introduce the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the national redress mechanism for children and address the importance of tangible and intangible heritage in the region.

The program will take place on:

- Tuesday 16 April 2024, at 10 am, at Sidi Amro Secondary School in Tazarine, and at 3 pm at the Salah Eddine ElAyoubi Secondary School in N’Kob.

- Thursday 18 April 2024, at 10 am, at ElMokhtar Soussi Secondary School in Tidili, and at 3 pm at the Imam Ali Secondary School in the Agouim community.

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Drâa-Tafilalet Region: Meeting with Trainees from the Vocational Training and Employment Promotion Agency Institution

In line with the agreement signed with the Vocational Training and Employment Promotion Agency (OFPPT) regional directorate and fulfilling the objectives of the 2024 program, the Regional Human Rights Commission (CRDH) in the Drâa-Tafilalet region will hold a meeting with trainees from OFPPT institution in Errachidia, Morocco. The meeting is scheduled for 3 April 2024, at 2 pm at the regional directorate space.

This interactive meeting is part of a series of meetings organized by the CRDH to implement partnership agreements signed with various stakeholders in the region and to promote a human rights culture.

The meeting aims to foster the culture of education on citizenship and human rights within the OFPPT institution, as well as to integrate the human rights approach into the vocational training system in line with Morocco’s international and national commitments.

The agenda of this meeting will focus on the roles and mandates of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), its mechanism and CRDHs, and the international human rights system.

CRDH members and staff will facilitate this meeting.

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Casablanca-Settat Region: Consultative Meeting on the Situation of Persons With Disabilities

On the occasion of the National Day of Persons with Disabilities (PWD), celebrated annually on 30 March, the Regional Human Rights Commission (CRDH) in the Casablanca-Settat Region organized on Thursday 28 March 2024, a consultative meeting on the situation of PWD in the region, at the CRDH headquarters in Casablanca, Morocco.
The consultative meeting aims to collaboratively engage with relevant regional stakeholders to address issues related to ensuring PWD have full access to their fundamental rights without discrimination.

The meeting also provides an opportunity to conduct a participatory diagnosis of challenges preventing PWD from fully accessing their rights in the region. It aims to strengthen coordination and communication with various relevant institutional and civil stakeholders and identify effective and practical methods to protect the rights of PWD.

Representatives of the Regional branch of National Mutual Aid (Entraide Nationale), Regional Academy of Education and Training, Regional Directorate of Health and Social Protection, Casablanca-Settat Regional Council, and civil activists working in the field of disability in the region will participate in this meeting.

Promoting and protecting the rights of PWD is a fundamental determinant of the effectiveness of public policies in achieving the rights of this group. The 2011 Constitution, in its Preamble, prohibits all forms of discrimination based on disability. Additionally, Chapter 34 stipulates that public authorities shall develop policies for individuals and groups with special needs.

The consultative meeting resulted in several outcomes, including:

- Adopting an inclusive approach to the right to comprehensive access;
- Providing training and continuous training for all stakeholders and workers in the field of disability;
- Mobilizing efforts against societal stereotypes and misconceptions associated with disability;
- Implementing the Law on Accessibility in all public and private facilities.

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Human Rights Agora: Climate Change- A Global Threat to Human Rights

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) is organizing the third part of the Human Rights Agora project, which is a series of discussion panels addressing the effectiveness of human rights and freedoms. This event is entitled “Climate Change: A Global Threat to Human Rights,” and will take place on Friday 29 March 2024, at 5 pm at the CNDH headquarters in Rabat, Morocco.

This Agora is part of the CNDH’s actions related to environmental issues. The CNDH noted a consistent increase in complaints it receives, particularly those related to compensation for damages caused by climate change, including desertification, violations of the right to live in a healthy environment, the right to water, and damage resulting from industrial projects that often lead to protests.

The Agora aims to enrich the public debate on climate change issues and its impacts. Morocco ranks among the countries most affected by these issues. The event also seeks to present proposals and recommendations on ways to address the negative repercussions of climate change on human rights, adopting a participatory approach. The meeting will also be an opportunity to discuss the challenges Morocco faces in fulfilling its commitments related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

Ms. Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson, will inaugurate the event. Representatives from government sectors, civil society, researchers and experts in various fields related to climate change- including water resources, biodiversity, energy, sustainable development, green economy, and agriculture production, etc. will participate in this event.

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Meeting with the staff of the two Higher Institutes of Nursing Professions and Health Technologies in the Draa-Tafilalet Region

In accordance with the partnership agreement with the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the Regional Human Rights Commission (CRDH) in the Draa-Tafilalet region will organize two meetings for the staff of the two Higher Institutes of Nursing Professions and Health Technologies. The first meeting will be held in Errachidia, Morocco, and the second in Ouarzazate, Morocco. Both meetings are scheduled for 2 pm on Thursday 28 March 2024.

Sixty students from each institute will participate in these meetings.

Through these meetings, the CRDH seeks to strengthen the culture of education on citizenship and human rights within the health sector. It also intends to integrate the human rights approach into the healthcare system in alignment with Morocco’s international and national commitments.

Mrs. Fatima Aarach, CRDH President, and the Director of the Higher Institute of Nursing Professions and Health Technologies in the region will deliver opening statements.

CRDH members and staff will facilitate these meetings.

The program of these meetings will focus on the roles and mandate of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), its mechanism and CRDHs, and the international human rights system.

These meetings will also be an opportunity to shed light on the CNDH report on the effectiveness of the right to health.

