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GANHRI Working Group on BHR: CNDH leads an online consultation on “NHRI’s Actions for the next decade”

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) is organizing an online consultation on “Actions of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRI) for the next decade” on Tuesday 18 March 2021, which will be hosted by the Working Group on Business and Human Rights (BHR) of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

This consultation is part of the BHR Working Group’s mandate to promote the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) embedded in its 2020-21 action plan.

This event is also a continuance of the global multi-stakeholder consultations, ranging from civil-society networks in Europe, North America, Latin America and Africa, to business associations, investors and those that engage with them, European governments, lawyers, NHRIs, etc.

In this regard, this consultation aims to further drive and scale up the implementation of the UNGPs more widely over the next 10 years. This project takes stock of achievements to date, reviews existing gaps and develops a vision and a roadmap for effective implementation of these principles for the decade ahead.
It will also be an opportunity for participants to share their opinions on the role of NHRIs and their contribution to ensuring corporate respect of human rights.

Representatives of the UNDP and the four regional networks of NHRIs (from the Philippines, France, Malaysia, Kenya, Ecuador, Australia, Colombia, Rwanda, Mexico, Germany, Denmark, India, Malawi and Morocco) will take part in this consultation.

They will share their experiences on the role of NHRIs in implementing National Action Plans; the role of NHRIs in driving Human rights Due Diligence process; the role of NHRIs in facilitating access to remedy for business-related human rights abuses; and the role of NHRIs in developing transnational cooperation along the supply chains.

This event is a direct contribution of the BHR Working Group to the UNGPs10+ project, along with the report that will be submitted to the Human Rights Council (HRC) in June 2021; a date that will mark the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the UNGP by the HRC. The UNGPs constitute a globally recognized authoritative framework that assigns responsibility to states and businesses to prevent and address business-related human abuses.
These principles embed the "protect, respect and remedy" pillars, and carries a vision of “tangible results for affected individuals and communities, and thereby contributing to a socially sustainable globalization.”

Mrs. Amina Bouayach, CNDH Chairperson, Mr. Livio Sarandrea, Global Advisor on Business and Human Rights-UNDP, and Mr. Dante Pesce, Chairman of the United Nations Working Group on the issues of human rights, transnational corporations and other business enterprises will participate in the opening session of this event.
