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Regional HR Commission of El Hoceima-Nador discusses mental health conditions

The Regional Human Rights Commissions of El Hoceima-Nador organizes a roundtable to discuss mental health conditions in Morocco, in the light of National Human Rights Council’s report on Human Rights and Mental Health. The meeting will be held at the Headquarters of Al Hoceima Municipality, on Saturday, April 20, 2013 at 09:30 a.m.

The gathering aims to shed light on the situation of mentally and psychologically ill people and highlight how CNDH thematic report’s recommendations were considered.

Representatives of the sectors concerned (health, justice, prison administration, local authorities), professors, researchers and actors concerned with the rights of this category are invited to this gathering".

CNDH published on September 2012 a report on “Mental Health and Human Rights: Urgent Need for a New Policy”. This preliminary report aimed to:

- Highlight the closed relation between mental health and human rights in their universality, indivisibility, interdependence and interrelatedness;

- Draw attention to the proven relation between mental health and physical health and the importance of mental health as an essential component of the general health of individuals and as a well-fare condition;

- Sensitize society about the right of people with mental illness to health care services that respect their dignity and citizenship, about the rising incidence of mental illness and about the extent of its impact on the person concerned, the economy and society at large;

- Highlight the situation in mental health facilities and identify relevant gaps and deficiencies;

- Stress the need to pay special attention to children, adolescents, women and the elderly;

- Make realistic and achievable proposals and recommendations, in terms of laws and practices, to improve the living conditions of people with mental disorders and promote mental health in general.

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The Regional Human Rights Commission of Oujda-Figuig organizes a full day workshop on the right to access to treatment and health services in the Eastern Region of Morocco. This workshop will held in cooperation with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung on April 20, 2013, at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy in Oujda.

This gathering will be held in line with the Commission of Oujda-Figuig’s missions. Indeed, As one of the National Human Rights Council’s regional mechanisms, the Commission is mandated to implement the Council’s programs and projects at the local level. These programs and projects aim, in part, at protecting and promoting economic, social and cultural rights. Among these rights, of course, is the right to health and access to treatment and health services.

The workshop will bring together health institutional stakeholders at the local level, elected officials, civil society associations and unions concerned with the health sector.

The workshop will revolve around two main parts. The participants will first analyze the situation and the health services offered in the region: infrastructure and hospitals, available financial and human resources, the legal, organizational and administrative framework, the public and private offer, medical and health services, social protection and health coverage systems, etc. In the second part, the participants will discuss the conditions and requirements that would help improve the public and private offer in the region and strengthen the guarantees of the right to health and access to treatment and health services.

In partnership with the United Nations development Programme (UNDP), the National Human Rights Council conducted in 2010 a survey on the right to development in Morocco, in light of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the MDGs. The survey has two main objectives: promoting the integration of human right in the public decision making process and, accordingly, in the public policies and programs related to human development and initiating a national debate on the possibilities to develop methods and mechanisms to monitor the implementation of human rights progress. The aim is measuring the impact of public policies on social progress, not only through development indicators but also in view of the human rights set of reference.

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The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities –Rabat Agdal will sign an agreement to facilitate access of prisoners to books. The ceremony will be held at the Faculty on Tuesday, April 14, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. Faculty’s Publications will be handed to the general administration of prison and reintegration.

The agreement will be signed in implementation of the recommendations of the Council’s report on prison conditions, publish in 2012. It aims at facilitating access of prisoners to the Faculty’s publications and supporting them to carry out their studies, even behind bars.

This will help reintegrate prisoners into society and improve the protection and promotion of human rights in prisons.

Under this agreement, The Faculty will provide CNDH with its publications. The Council will hand these publications to the prison administration, to encourage them to carry out their studies and contribute to their reintegration once out of prison.

CNDH published in October 2012 a report on prison conditions, entitled Prison Crisis: A Shared Responsibility - 100 Recommendations for the Protection of Prisoners’ Rights. The report highlights prison conditions and to what extent prisoners’ rights are protected and practiced. Its conclusions and recommendations address how prisons are run, enforcement of laws and procedures, juvenile justice, women, mentally ill, foreigners, people with disabilities, addicts and people with chronic illness in prison, legislative shortcomings and the budget allocated to the prison administration.

CNDH Secretary General and the Dean of the Faculty will sign the agreement in the presence of the General Delegate of the administration of prisons and reintegration.

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The Regional Human Rights Commission of TanTan-Guelmim holds a training session for civil society stakeholders on international human rights mechanisms, on Sunday, April 14, 2013, at 9:00 a.m.

This training session is organized in implementation of the recommendations of the meetings the commission has hold with several associations, educational institutional and the media. It’s also in line with the Commission’s efforts to raise awareness and contribute to building capacities in the area of human rights.

The training session will be delivered by Mr. Hamid El Kam a,d Nadir El Moumni, advisors to the president of the National Human Rights Council. It will cover the following: human rights terms and concepts, the United Nations human rights system, International Humanitarian Law, the United Nations Human Rights Council, the Universal Periodic Review.

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The Regional Human Rights Commission of Errachidia-Ouarzazate holds its fourth ordinary session on Saturday, April 13, 2013, in Ouarzazate.

The agenda of this session, held pursuant to the rules of procedure of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), includes the report of the thematic committee on human rights promotion, a summary report on the symposium organized by the Commission on linguistic diversity, and the assessment of the Commission’s activities and outlook for action.

The Regional Human Rights Commission of Errachidia-Ouarzazate, which was installed on January 23, 2012, is entrusted with monitoring the situation of human rights at the regional level and receiving complaints about alleged human rights violations. It is also responsible for implementing the Council’s programs and projects relating to the promotion of human rights, in collaboration with all stakeholders in the region.

The territorial jurisdiction of the Regional Human Rights Commission of Errachidia-Ouarzazate, chaired by Ms. Fatéma Aârach, covers the provinces of Errachidia, Ouarzazate, Tinghir and Zagora.

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The Regional Human Rights Commission of Tantan-Guelmim holds its fourth ordinary session on Sunday, April 14, 2013, at its main office.

The agenda of this session, held pursuant to the rules of procedure of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), includes the presentation and discussion of the activity report for the previous year and the development of the Commission’s action plan for the coming year.

The Commission also organizes a one-day meeting to assess its action in the previous year, on Saturday, April 13, 2013, at its main office. It will be attended by Messrs. Hamid El Kam and Nadir El Moumni, special advisors to the CNDH President. The topics to be discussed in this meeting include assessing internal and external communication as well as implemented activities based on: the sought objectives, the impact of activities and interventions and their relevance to the Commission’s mandate as specified in the Council’s founding royal decree and rules of procedure, for a good preparation of the Commission’s action plan for next year.

The Regional Human Rights Commission of Tantan-Guelmim was installed on December 21, 2011. Pursuant to Article 28 of the Royal Decree establishing the National Human Rights Council, it is entrusted with tracking and monitoring the situation of human rights at the regional level and receiving complaints about alleged human rights violations. It is also responsible for implementing the Council’s programs and projects relating to the promotion and protection of human rights, in collaboration with all stakeholders in the region.

The territorial jurisdiction of the Regional Human Rights Commission of Tantan-Guelmim, chaired by Mr. Taoufiq Berdigi, covers the provinces of Sidi Ifni, Guelmim, Tantan and Assa-Zag.

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Under the theme of “Paths of Citizenship”, the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), the Competition Council and the Central Agency for the Prevention of Corruption participated, in a joint stand, in the 19th edition of the International Publishing and Book Fair, held in Casablanca from 29th March to 7th April 2013.

For 10 days, more than 7000 participants and attendees discussed and interacted with intellectuals, political figures, researchers and activists who were invited to take part in more than 60 meetings and roundtables.
Indeed, a rich activity program was proposed by the three constitutional institutions, revolving around several major issues: corruption and human rights, Moroccan youth, competition, citizen (socially responsible) enterprise, citizenship, disability rights and persons with disabilities, CNDH’s projects and activities, the dynamics of the regional human rights commissions, etc.

The joint stand hosted roundtables about CNDH’s memoranda and opinions including those related, in particular, to the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power, the Constitutional Court, the High Commission for Parity and the Fight against all Forms of Discrimination, the Advisory Council for Family and Childhood and the National Council for Languages and Moroccan Culture.

The Fair was an opportunity for the three institutions to interact and discuss with the public around other issues related, for example, to the statute of the Competition Council and values, in addition to CNDH’s last reports on mental health and prison conditions.

CNDH’s regional human rights commissions organized many roundtables on citizenship, multilingualism, human rights education, enterprise and human rights, the right to cultural heritage, the realization of the right to the city and the right to environment. Furthermore, eminent intellectuals and thinkers were invited, in one of the prominent and main activities of the stand, to shed light on the concept of citizenship...

Moreover, the stand hosted three meetings to pay tribute to three influential figures: Assia El Ouadie, who spent her life defending human rights in general and prisoners’ rights in particular, Khadija Cherif, a Tunisian militant and activist, and Stephan Hessel, a militant who a defended the Palestinian cause and immigrants’ rights.

Other roundtables were organized to shed light on the situation of human rights in some sister countries. Indeed, a meeting was held on Palestine, attended by Mr. Raji Sourani, the director of the Palestinian Center for Human Rights. Another meeting was organized in solidarity with Syria and a third was held to discuss Tunisia's Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The joint stand hosted 62 meetings and roundtables, the discussions of which were lead by 162 national and international actors. The stand was also an opportunity, for the three institutions, to display their latest reports and publications.

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The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) and the Moroccan Organization for Human Rights (OMDH) organize a national seminar on criminal responsibility and the importance of a psychiatrist’s testimony for a fair trial. The seminar will be hold at the Council in Rabat, on Friday, April 5, 2013, at 9:00 a.m.

It is organized in fulfillment of the Council’s mandate, as provided for in its founding Royal Decree # 1.11.19, dated March 1, 2011. It is in line with its contribution and support to the national debate on the reform of the judiciary.

Professors of law, judges, psychiatrists, psychology specialists and other stakeholders will be brought together to discuss and exchange on the importance of a psychiatrist’s testimony to determine the responsibility of a defendant, the psychiatrist’s testimony under the Moroccan Penal Code, the psychiatrist’s testimony and the criminal responsibility, the psychiatrist’s testimony: a must or an option, the psychiatrist’s testimony Vs testimony of a psychology specialist, mental illness at the various stages of the crime and beyond and the importance of medical and psychiatric reports for victims of violence and sexual abuse.

This seminar will be chaired by Mr. Mohamed Essabbar, CNDH Secretary General, and Mr. Mohamed Nachnach, OMDH President. The participants are expected to come up with recommendations to strengthen the role of psychiatrist’s testimony in ensuring guarantees and conditions of fair trial.

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The Regional Human Rights Commission of Agadir convenes its fourth ordinary session on Saturday, March 30, 2013, at its main office.

This session, held pursuant to the Royal Decree establishing the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) and its rules of procedure, will be attended by Mr. Mohammed Sebbar, CNDH Secretary General. Items on the agenda include the discussion and adoption of the recommendations put forward in the Commission’s annual activity report, and an address by Mr. Sebbar on the division of tasks and the organization of the session in the form of workshops to assess the annual action of the regional commission in order to define the broad lines of its program of action for next year.

The Regional Human Rights Commission of Agadir was installed on January 23, 2012. In accordance with Article 28 of the Royal Decree establishing the National Human Rights Council, it is entrusted with tracking and monitoring the situation of human rights at the regional level and receiving complaints about alleged human rights violations. It is also responsible for implementing the Council’s programs and projects relating to the promotion and protection of human rights, in collaboration with all stakeholders in the region.

The territorial jurisdiction of the Regional Human Rights Commission of Agadir, chaired by Mr. Mohamed Charef, includes the governorates of Agadir Ida-Outanane and Inezgane-Ait Melloul as well as the provinces of Chtouka-Ait Baha, Taroudante, Tata and Tiznit.

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The Regional Human Rights Commission of Dakhla-Aousserd, in partnership with the Federation of Associations of Persons with Disabilities in the Region Oued Eddahab-Lagouira, organizes a symposium on “Right to and importance of accessibility” on March 30, 2013 at Dakhla City Hall.

The seminar, organized in celebration of the National Day of Persons with Disabilities, aims to highlight the importance of accessibility for this group of citizens. Professors and representatives of disability rights associations will take part in this seminar.

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which was adopted by the United Nations in 2006 and ratified by Morocco in April 2009, states in its Article 9 that “to enable persons with disabilities to live independently and participate fully in all aspects of life, States Parties shall take appropriate measures to ensure to persons with disabilities access, on an equal basis with others, to the physical environment, to transportation, to information and communications, including information and communications technologies and systems, and to other facilities and services open or provided to the public, both in urban and in rural areas”.

According to the same article, “these measures, which shall include the identification and elimination of obstacles and barriers to accessibility, shall apply to, inter alia: Buildings, roads, transportation and other indoor and outdoor facilities, including schools, housing, medical facilities and workplaces; Information, communications and other services, including electronic services and emergency services.”

