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CNDH intervenes (through its Commission of the Oriental Region) to guarantee the right to education for a child in Jerada

Following information published by a number media according to which a student, residing in Jerada, had been deprived of her right to education, the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), through its Regional Human Rights Commission of the Oriental region (CRDH), held a meeting with officials of the provincial department of the Ministry of National Education and with the family of the person in question. This meeting aims at verifying facts, collecting statements from persons in question, and intervening to protect the right of the student (A. A.) to access education.

In this context, a member from Jerada mandated by the CRDH of the Oriental region, held a meeting to collect statements from the student and her mother. They thus stated that the student had to interrupt her studies for health reasons and that the family submitted requests for the resumption of classes. However, they did not receive any correspondence attesting the acceptance of their requests. This could be explained by changing the student’s family address, following their relocation for family and social reasons. The student and her mother attributed the "rejection" of the student’s requests to her participation in the protests of Jerada which took place in late 2017 and early 2018.

In order to complete data and intervene to protect the student's right to education, the CRDH’s member held a meeting with the provincial director of the National Education. The latter specified that the pupil had not obtained the annual average which allowed her to move on to the next level, as she did not pass the continuous assessment due to her unjustified absence during the 2017-2018 school year. Besides, the student did not join the establishment where she was studying for the 2018-2019 school year.

In this regard, the provincial director of the National Education stressed that the right of the student to continue her studies is guaranteed and indisputable and that the opportunity to enroll is always available following the law and the relevant ministerial notes - whether at the “Al Azhar” school where she was studying, in other fifth-grade institution, or at the second chance school (informal education).

The provincial department of the Ministry of National Education is committed to receiving the student and her mother to complete the enrolment procedures and provide a definitive solution to this issue.

The student expressed her strong wish to continue her studies through the proposed alternatives, despite the 3-years interruption of studies. It is expected that the student will communicate her final choice (enrollment in the fifth year or the informal education) on Thursday, September 24, 2020.

The CRDH, through its meeting with the pupil and her mother, could understand the family and social circumstances that disrupted the school career of this student. To this end, the CNDH and its CRDH will make all the necessary efforts with the competent institutions to deal with the social aspect of this issue, to guarantee the right of the pupil to education under adequate conditions.
