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Communiqué de presse

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) is following with interest the debate on individual freedoms and the issue of voluntary termination of pregnancy. This debate has been stirred by the arrest of Mrs. Hajar Raissouni.

The Council took note of reflections and positions of public opinion on individual freedoms and private life issues. It also condemned the discriminatory attacks and insults made against the person concerned.

The CNDH informs public opinion that, in the coming days, it will present its recommendations on the amendment to the Penal Code which is being discussed by the Committee on legislation and human rights at the House of Representatives.

The CNDH is reassured to be able to rely on the citizens’ support for the Council’s recommendations on the protection of individual freedoms and privacy in compliance, inter alia, with the constitutional provisions related to the guarantee of rights and fundamental freedoms (particularly paragraph 1, Article 24) and with the international instruments ratified by Morocco.

The CNDH hopes that Mrs. Hajar Raissouni and Mr. Refaat Amin can be promptly released. It also expects that debates and public expressions will be a turning point to put an end to the indecision of political actors relating to the harmonization of the Morocco’s legislative framework with the provisions of the Constitution and the international instruments ratified by Morocco. The CNDH also expects that these debates will be a milestone to the adaptation of this framework with societal practices.

Finally, the CNDH declared that it had appointed a representative to observe the trial of Mrs. Hajar Raissouni, Mr. Refaat Amin and all persons prosecuted in this case.C’est avec intérêt que le CNDH suit le débat sur les libertés individuelles et la question de l’interruption volontaire de la grossesse qu’a pu susciter, parmi nos concitoyens, l’arrestation de Madame Hajar Raissouni.

Download the Amazigh version of the press release
