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Copenhagen: CNDH participates in the Convention against Torture Initiative (CTI) 2024 Global Seminar on Cooperation and Innovation

Ms Amina Bouayach, Chairperson of the National Human Rights Council (CNDH), will take part in the Convention against Torture Initiative (CTI) 2024 Global Seminar on Cooperation and Innovation: Sharing State Experiences and Building Capacity in Criminal Investigations and Law Enforcement Practices. This event will take place on 1 and 2 October 2019 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Organized by the CTI Secretariat in partnership with the Danish Institute Against Torture (DIGNITY), this Seminar will provide a cross-regional platform for exchanging good practices, experiences and challenges in respect of criminal investigations and other law enforcement activities. It will also provide an opportunity to explore innovative approaches related to managing national law enforcement systems and structures.

Ms. Amina Bouayach will take part in the Moderated High Level conversation on “Cooperation and innovation in policing and law enforcement” to be held on 1 October 2019.

The proceedings of this seminar will focus on four panels: "Neuroscience and psychology in law enforcement", "Changing organizational cultures", "Sharing good practices and experiences: Safeguards in arrest and police custody” and “Alternative to confession orientated interrogations: Investigative interviewing ".

The meeting will bring together around 60 participants, including high-level representatives of the police, national security forces and relevant ministries. Leading experts in forensic sciences, psychology, torture prevention and investigation interviewing were also invited to share their experiences and expertise at this event.

On the side-lines of this seminar, Ms. Bouayach will meet with several personalities including Mr. Andrew Glimour, Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights at the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in New York, United States, Dr. Jens Modvig, Chairperson of the UN Committee against Torture and Chief Medical Officer, DIGNITY, Ms. Barbara Bernath, Secretary General of the Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT) and Mr. Rasmus Grue Christensen, CEO of the Danish Institute Against Torture (DIGNITY).

To be noted that the CTI is a 10-year inter-governmental, cross-regional initiative, launched at the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention Against Torture (UNCAT) in March 2014. This initiative is led by the governments of Chile, Denmark, Fiji, Ghana, Indonesia and Morocco.

The overall goal of the CTI is to reduce, by 2024, the risk of torture and ill-treatment in all States Parties to the UNCAT and to work actively to fully implement this convention.

It also should be noted that on 21 September 2019, the CNDH set up its National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture (NPM), which will examine the situation and treatment of persons deprived of their liberty by:
- Regular visits and visits whenever requested by the CNDH,
- The elaboration of any recommendation that could improve the treatment and situation of persons deprived of their liberty and prevent torture,
- The submission of any proposal or note on existing legislation or on bills or proposals relating to the prevention of torture.
