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IER 2 Program - Presentation

In implementation of the recommendations of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER), regarding the preservation of memory and non-repetition of past violations, the Advisory Council on Human Rights (now National Human Rights Council) launched the program of "Archives, History and Memory."

Funded by the European Union in support to the process of democratic transition in Morocco, through the implementation of the recommendations of the IER, the Program (IER 2) aims to strengthen the process of democracy and human rights establishment. It particularly aims to facilitate the implementation of the IER’s recommendations, particularly in terms of preservation of archives, dissemination of knowledge on contemporary history and preservation of the memory of the period covered by the Equity and Reconciliation Commission (1956 - 1999). It also aims at the operationalization of the institution of "Archives of Morocco" and the encouragement of scientific research on the history of the independent Morocco.

With a budget of 8 million Euros, the program extends over four years (2009-2013) and revolves around a number of activities, corresponding to the three axes of the Program:


- Reviewing existing materials (IER and CNDH), filing, inventory and make it available to the institution of "Archives of Morocco";

- Supporting the operational implementation of "Archives of Morocco";

- Contributing to the equipment of "Archives of Morocco";

- Supporting the use of the archives of the 1956 - 1999 period ...

- Supporting the teaching of the history of present-time;

- Conducting studies and researches;

- producing communication tools: written, audio-visual ...

- Celebrating the names of victims.

- Strengthening and consolidating initiatives related to IER 1 program;

- Museography activities, etc.

In addition to these activities, some cross-cutting activities are planned including:

- Twining activities between Moroccan institutions (Archives, History and Memory) and similar European institutions;

- Communication and visibility of the program;

- Monitoring, evaluation and audit of the program.

In this context, CNDH organized three thematic meetings on "memory", "archive" and "history". Representatives of government and national institutions, organizations and human rights associations, civil society actors, academics, artists and representatives of the different CNDH departments and regional offices participated in these meetings.

The participants highlighted the importance of reflection and the participatory process to support the positive preservation of memory, archives and the promotion of scientific research in this area and the dissemination of knowledge relative to the recent history of Morocco. They made a number of recommendations that formed the basis for the development of the sectoral plans of the program.



General objective

- Facilitating the implementation of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission’s recommendations in terms of the preservation and promotion of archives.

Specific objectives:

- Involving all stakeholders in the issue of archives in Morocco (creators, users, providers of expertise, management staff or citizens);

- Sharing, with the different national stakeholders, the objectives of the program, in general, and the context and objectives related to the axis of archives, in particular;

- Opening discussion and reflection in order to achieve the proposed actions, to be taken to provide Morocco with a proper archival system;

- Sharing experiences and exchanging best archival practices, already implemented in some public, semi-public and private bodies;

- Initiating debate and reflection on law # 69-99 relative to the Archives of Morocco including the part relating to the disclosure of archives documents;

- Identifying specific roles and responsibilities of stakeholders at each level (CNDH and others);

- Supporting the operational implementation of the institution of "Archives of Morocco";

- Providing mechanisms for monitoring the implementation of actions related to the establishment of "Archives of Morocco";

- Preserving the archives of the period 1956 - 1999.

The expected results of this plan of action will be to the identification of activities related to the axis of Archives and partners to be involved in the implementation, in addition to the implementation terms of these activities.


General objective:

- Supporting the implementation of IER’s recommendations in terms of History.

Specific objectives:

- Determining the strategic work directions and priority activities;

- Identifying the specific activities to be carried out with an implementation timetable;

- Identifying the stakeholders concerned or involved in different activities and their roles.

Several results are expected from this plan of action: encouraging research relative to the period 1956 - 1999, strengthening and disseminating knowledge on the contemporary history of Morocco and promoting the teaching of the history of the present-time.


General objective:

- Supporting the implementation of IER’s recommendations in terms of Memory;

Specific objectives:

- Identifying and implementing activities related to the preservation of memory;

- Establishing mechanisms for communication between the partners involved in the implementation of activities;

- Encouraging the involvement of media in the implementation phase of the program;

- Encouraging partners at the national, regional and local levels to participate in the activities;

The results of this plan of action will revolve around the following points: proposing and prioritizing activities relative to the implementation of the axis Memory, defining the terms of implementation, identifying memory sites, identifying partners involved in the implementation of actions, identifying the mechanisms of exchange and monitoring of the implementation.
