The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) holds a training session for some members of the (Libyan) National Council of Civil Liberties and Human Rights.
Supervised by CNDH members and officials, this training shed light on human rights and transitional justice in Morocco. It focused on international and regional human rights instruments, the Paris Principles, monitoring and investigation for human rights protection, monitoring of and visits to places of detention, human rights monitoring through the media, harmonization of national legislation with international conventions, rights of vulnerable groups, reporting, accreditation of the International Coordinating Committee of National Human Rights Institutions of Rights, etc.
The CNDH and the Libyan National Council of Civil Liberties and Human Rights signed on Jun. 16 2013, a cooperation agreement aiming, in addition to strengthening cooperation between the two NHRIs, at exchanging experiences and best practices related to: transitional Justice and the promotion of the culture of human rights in both countries, handling complaints and harmonization of national legislation with international conventions, encouraging cooperation between the Arab National Human Rights Institutions and their counterparts in Africa and Europe, designing and implementing strategies for protection of human rights in both countries, etc.