Universal Periodic Review: role of NHRIs in the implementation of recommendations

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) took part in a working session on the UPR, held by the Francophone Association of National Human Rights Commissions. This working session was held on the sidelines of the 27th Session of the International Coordinating Commission of National Institutions for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights (ICC), on the 11th of March 2014, at the Palais des Nations, Geneva.
This working session discussed the conceptual framework of the UPR, how it evolved, how it can be implemented, how the report should be drafted, etc. The participants highlighted the important role that NHRIs can play in the implementation of the UPR recommendations.
As the participants stressed, NHRIs are invited to develop strategies to contribute to implementing the UPR recommendations and implement them through specific and concrete plans of action. They are required to strengthen their efforts to promote and sensitize about the Review.
Other than the representatives of national human rights institutions in French-speaking communities (members of the Francophone Association), this working session was attended by Mr. Vladlen Stefanov, Chief, National Institutions and Regional Mechanisms Section, OHCHR, Mr. Bamazi K. Tachaa, Human Rights Officer, National Institutions and Regional Mechanisms Section, OHCHR, Ms Suzanne Blanc Thomson, UPR Section, OHCHR, and Ms Martine Anstett, Deputy-director, Delegation for Peace, Democracy and Human Rights, OIF. The CNDH was reprsented by Ms Houria Esslami and Mr. Elie Elbaz, members of the Council.
For more information about the Universal Periodic Review.
Pictures on CNDH's flickr account.