Human rights and rule of law in morocco: achievements and challenges

CNDH Secretary General, Mr. Mohamed Essabbar took part in the Forum of the Maghreb Arab Press (MAP), held on Tuesday, April 22 on “Human rights and the rule of law in Morocco: achievements and challenges".
Mr. Essabbar shed light on the progress Morocco has made in the area of human rights, thanks to the reform processes that started in the 1990s: the transitional justice process, amendment of legislations, ratification of international human rights, the new Constitution which provides for guarantees for the respect for human rights, etc.
But Morocco still faces some challenges in this area, He said. These include the fight against gender-based discrimination, freedom of belief, governance security and accountability. He called for the promotion of the culture of peaceful demonstration, so that this right will be fulfilled in accordance with the international standards.
MAP Forum also invited to this session Mr. Habib Belkouch, Chairman of the Center for Human Rights and Democracy Studies, Mr. Abdelali Hamidine, Chairman of Al Karama Forum for Human Rights, and Mr. Mohamed Neshnash, Chairman of the Moroccan Organization for Human rights.