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Treatment of judicial information on audio-visual

Dilemma of presumption of innocence and freedom of expression

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Universal Periodic Review

CNDH reaffirms its opposition to the towards death penalty

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Rehabilitation of detainees

CNDH participates in the opening of the Autumn University in prisons in Fez

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Political participation of women

Driss El Yazami: Weak political participation of women is unfair and a shame

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Group Dialogue with the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons

CNDH recommends the adoption of public policies dedicated to older persons

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CNDH declaration during the Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice,

CNDH will shortly publish a final monitoring report on the outcome of the Moroccan IER

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18th session of Committee of the Rights of People with disabilities

Opening Statement of the National Human Rights Council of Morocco at the 18th session of Committee of the Rights of People with disabilities

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Transitional Justice in Morocco

National Human Rights Council hands archives of Independent Arbitration Commission over to national archives institution

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Global Compact on Migration

The fourth informal thematic session on the Global Compact on Migration

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Palais des Nations Unies

Seminar on cultural rights and the protection of cultural heritage

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Ceremony to name the CNDH’s training Institute after renowned human rights defender late Driss Benze

Tribute to Driss Benzekri who has marked the history of human rights in Morocco

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