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Around 2 billion dirhams to compensate 27,254 victims of gross human rights (...)

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Training session on the use of international human rights procedures for the (...)

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Training session for law enforcement officers on the mandate of Moroccan NPM

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The National Human Right Council issues, in accordance with the Royal Decree (Dahir) governing its prerogatives, advisory opinions on general or specific matters pertaining to the defense, protection, respect and promotion of human rights, liberties, social groups and communities. It submits to His Majesty the King proposals and reports likely to ensure a better protection and a larger promotion of human rights.

Since its establishment, the Council has submitted several recommendations, advisory opinions and memorandums to the King or the government, to name a few:


- on the prerogatives of the Council in studying international human rights conventions and laws and regulations related to human rights;

- on the role of TV and radio program inpromoting human rights culture;

- to set up of a truth committee: the Equity and Reconciliation Commission; etc.

Advisory opinions:

-an advisory opinion on the harmonization of the Moroccan Penal Code to fight against hatred, discrimination and violence;

- an advisory opinion to setp up the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME); etc.

Memorandums submitted to the government:

- a memorandum on the Press Code;

- a memorandum on a DNA law; etc.
