Campaign to educate children on human rights and the right to submit complaints to National Redress Mechanism: CNDH and Ministry of Youth& Sports put complaint boxes at disposal of children at summer camps

This summer, the CNDH and the Ministry of Youth& Sports organize a campaign to educate children on human rights and the right to submit complaints to National Redress Mechanism for Children Victims of Human Rights Violations. As of 20 July 2018, workshop sessions will take place in summer camps in Tamaris (Casablanca), Tanger, Saïdia and Ifrane and will continue during August 2018.
This campaign will be an opportunity to explain to children the importance of their rights. The CNDH staff will present the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and the National Redress Mechanism for Children Victims of Human Rights Violations. Workshops will also address the possibilities of filing complaints about alleged violation of children’s rights.
Within this framework, the CNDH and the Ministry of Youth& Sports have made complaint boxes available at summer camps to enable children to complain if they think that one of their rights is not respected. (Video available only in French and Arabic:
Other workshops to promote the National Redress Mechanism for Children Victims of Human Rights Violations will be organized by the CNDH in partnership with the Ministry of National Education and will be scheduled at the start of the academic year in September 2018.
The CNDH is mandated to his charge the prerogatives of National Redress Mechanism for Children Victims of Human Rights Violations according to law # 76. 15 reorganizing the CNDH and published in the Official Gazette on 1 March 2018.
The National Redress Mechanism for Children Victims of Human Rights Violations is authorized to receive complaints directly from children victims of violations, from their legal representatives or from third parties. This mechanism is also empowered to handle complaints and conduct related investigation.