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Ms. Warzazi elected Chairperson of UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee

Mrs. Halima Embarek Warzazi, member of the Moroccan Advisory Council on Human Rights (CCDH) has been elected by acclamation chairperson of the UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee at the opening of the third session of this Committee in Geneva on Monday.

On this occasion, Mr. José Antonio Bengoa Cabello, Ms. Purificacion V. Quisumbing and Mr. Jean Ziegler were elected as vice-chairmen of the Committee, and Latif Huseynov as Rapporteur.

The agenda of the third session of the Committee includes several items, including the discussion of a draft outlining a set of principles and guidelines on the elimination of discrimination against people with leprosy and their families.

Ms. Warzazi, who was serving as a member of this Committee before being its chairperson, is one of the first Moroccan women to hold diplomatic posts. Also, she has held several positions within the United Nations since 1973.

Being elected member of the Council and Executive Committee of the International Institute of Human Rights, she is among the 26 expert members of the Sub Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, elected by the UN Human Rights Commission.

She was elected in 1997 unanimously vice-president of the 49th session of the Sub Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities.
