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Framework agreement between the CNDH and the Ministry of National Education

A new horizon for consolidating citizenship values ​​and promoting human rights culture in school and university spaces

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Memorandum of Understanding

Moroccan and Mauritanian NHRIs sign Memorandum of Understanding

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Implementation of the IER recommandations and the provisions of the OPCAT

NPM: 11 visits to places of deprivation of liberty in six Moroccan cities to assess conditions and strengthen the prevention of torture

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Online campaign to combat all forms of discrimination against women and girls with disabilities

Discrimination against women and girls with disabilities is a compound and double discrimination: gender- and disability based

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Rights of Persons with disabilities and legal capacity (video)

Rights of Persons with disabilities: Unanimity on the need to break with the Guardianship system and set up the Support system

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New postage stamp to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the CNDH

Postage stamp to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the National Human Rights Council

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Sexual and reproductive health

Guarantee its effectiveness, the response to inequalities of access to health shall not be only political and legislative but also cultural, educational and social

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